Chapter two: Meeting Rudolph the Vampire

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I woke up and turned to my clock to see that it was already 10 am. I got out of bed brushed my teeth and did my morning routine which was put on some mascara and lipstick and do your hair. After I was finished I decided to go to the market to buy some food. I went into the kitchen where I saw a 500 dollar bill on the table with a note from my mom telling me to go and buy some food.

I took the money and went to the market. There I bought a good amount of food and went home. When I finally put everything in it's place I decided to watch some Netflix before I go to the Thompsons. I watched 'The Vampire Diaries' until it was half past six. I took my keys and my backpack and went to the Thompsons.

I knocked on the door and Dottie answered wearing a beautuful black dress. "Hey, good you came, Tony has been very excided to see you again" she said and smilled at me. I went to Tony's room to find him drawing something. When I went closer I saw that he was drawing pictured of vampires. He started telling me about the nightmares he has been having since he came here. I felt bad for him so I hugged him and sat on his bed as he played to be a vampire. He started chanting words in Latin and pretended to suck the blood from his stuffed toy monkey.

I laughed when suddenly thare was a shriek. A bat flew in the room and landed in Tony's fireplace. There was a bright light and the bat turned into a boy. But this boy was very pale and his clothes were ancient. He looked up at Tony and asked: "What clan are you from brother, are the lights gone now?" Tony gasped as his paper fangs fell out of his mouth. The boy started hissing and that's when I saw them...fangs. "You are not my brother" the vampire said as Tony replied "well I'm not a sister" "you are human, you are full of blood" "gonna keep it that way dude," Tony said as he ran off to his door. But the vampire was faster and started hanging upside down at the door. Tony quickly went back to me as the boy fell off the door. I went to him and asked: "Are you okay, do you need help?" He turned his head towards me and asked: "What kind of a twisted mortal are you?" "The wierd one" I replied to which he smiled faintly. We helped him up when suddenly he ran out the balcony door and floated in the air for a few seconds before he fell. Both Tony and I rushed to the balcony to see the boy lying on the ground.

We quickly went downstairsand in the backyard. "Are you okay?" Tony asked the vampire while he just sassed back "Do I look like it?" A truck suddenly went past us and it shined a very bright light at us. The boy quickly covered his eyes and whispered 'Rookery'. "Do you know where I can get a cow?" the boy asked us "if you wanna a glass of milk" Tony replied. "Tony he is a vampire, I don't think vampires drink milk. Go and get your wagon." I told him. When Tony went to get the wagon I crouched beside the boy and asked: "What's your name?" "Rudolph Sackville - Bagg and yours m'lady?" I giggled at his comment and replied "Elena Ivančić" "strange name where are you from?" "Croatia that's why my name sound wierd" I replied and he just nodded.

Tony came back with his wagon and we put Rudolph in it and dragged him to the farm that was nearby. He went in and got to one of the cows and started hypnotizing it. When he was done he went to the cows neck and started drinking it's blood. Tony quickly went outside and I decided to join him. I sat on some hay and started thinking. Three days ago I was sitting on the bed in my room hoping the week would be done even though it didn't even start. And here I am now, waiting for a vampire to be done feeding.

Suddenly I heard beeping and looked to the direction from where it came from. I saw a very familiar truck. The lights on the truck turned on and were pointed at TONY! What the hell is he doing. Rookery started driving towards him. I jumped from my sitting position and went infront of Tony protecting him. The lights were very bright even for a human. The truck sped up and Tony screamed when we heard "Close your eyes!" I quickly shut my eyes when I felt a hand on my waist taking me away from land. After a minute or two I landed on something cold and hard. "You can open your eyes now" Rudolph said. I opened my eyes to see that I was on a blimp. Tony wowed while I was breathless the night sky was so beautiful. "Wow thank's dude, you saved our lives that truck was gonna splater us" Tony said "you keep calling me dude ma name is Rudolph" "dude is sick like you call a friend" "a friend?" "Well we saved eachothers lives didn't we" "yes we did friend" Rudy said as they shook hands. I just groaned beside them when suddenly there was a hand sticking out for me to take. I took Rudy's hand and we shook them. After that Tony and Rudy started jumping on the blimp saying sometnig along the lines of 'best friends and vampire'. When they got tired they sat down so I decided to ask Rudy about his familly.

"Well my mothers name is Freda and my fathers name is Fredrick. My mother is very kind and nice while my father is very overprotective over us so he gets mad when we do something we weren't meant to. I have a younger sister and her name is Anna. She loves poetry and she is a hopeless romantic. And lastly there is my older brother, his name is Gregory. He is always very moody (like me) becouse he became a vampire while he was going through puberty." When he finished I took some time to proces all of that. I took a look at my phone and saw that it was almost midnight. "Tony it's nearly midnight, your parents will be home any second" Tony got up and asked: "How are we going to get down from here?" "We will fly" Rudy said like it was the most normal thing ever, well for him it probbably was. "But we can't fly" Tony said while pointing to himself and me. "I got you both up here didn't I" "well i guess so" "then stay calm friends" Rudy said while raising his eyebrows. "Alright let's fly. As long as you hold onto me you are going to be fine" he said and extended his hands for us to take. I took his hand and was a little bit shocked at how cold it was. Rudy lifted us up and we were flying. We were heading to Tony's house when Tony asked: "Do you see what color that car is" he pointed to a car. "Green, man and woman inside, the woman is wearing a black dress" I cut Rudy off before he could say anything else "crap Rudolph fly faster". Just as we landed in Tony's room Dottie and Bob pulled up in the driveway. Tony got under the covers while I put my stuff on the floor and sat in an armchair. Rudy went to the corner of the celling just as Bob and Dottie opened the door. "Hello guys was the party nice" they both nodded as Dottie told me "you can go home now, thank you for waching over him" I nodded and said that I will just get my stuff and I will go. They went out as Rudy flew down from the celling. "So those are your parents, they look nice" "and tasty" asked Tony. "No, nice as in very nice" "they have their moments". "Well I have to go now I hope I will see you soon" I said while pointind to Rudy. I went out and said 'bye' to Dottie and Bob and headed to my house.

On the way I started thinking about  everything that happened. I shook my head while smiling. I took out my keys and unlocked the door locking it again when I got inside. I went to my bedroom and changed into my py-s. I brushed my teeth, took a shower and took off my makeup and went to sleep.

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