Part 3

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Xander's POV (Monday morning- the same day Judith plans on telling her crush on Xander)
I was damn early to school today. I couldn't sleep well last night. Some thoughts just swirled around my head. I hardly could concentrate on my sleeping. I decided to make my way to school when I realised that I was already dressed up. So here I was at seven thirty when my classes didn't start until eight. I made my way towards my locker and stuffed my bag with the books I needed. Suddenly I was brought out of my trance.
"Hey man! You're early today..... hey are you okay? You look really tired." Josh pointed out.
"Yeah I'm fine. I did not sleep well last night." I confessed.
"Hmmm. You wanna talk about it?" Josh asked.
"Nah. I'm good. Let's go." I said, smiling weakly.
"We have to wait for Adrian. Remember?" Josh snickered as I grumbled
"Oh right! I forgot. Let's wait outside." I said as we both walked outside.
Josh and Adrian have been my best friends since we were in first grade. They were like brothers to me. Both of them knew me like the back of their hands just like I knew them. They've always had my back no matter what and I knew that I could trust them with anything and everything.
We waited for ten minutes when we finally spotted Adrian rushing towards us with a huge smile on his face. Damn! Why the hell was he so happy on a Monday morning?
"Morning Josh and Xander!" Adrian chirped.
"Woah dude! Why the hell are you so happy? And that too on a Monday morning?" Josh voiced my thoughts.
Remember when I told you guys that he knows me like the back of his hand, this is what I meant. He actually knew what I was thinking.
I came back to reality when Adrian laughed and started talking.
"So I was on the Internet last night and..... guess what?! I found a new dare for our game!" Adrian replied excitedly.
Me, Josh and Adrian had started playing a game in which we could dare anyone within the three of us and the person being dared would have to complete the dare assigned to him. We have been playing this game for quite some time now.
"So who are you going to dare Adrian?" Josh asked.
Adrian smiles evilly at me. Oh no! He is going to get his revenge for his previous dare that I had given him. I had asked him to draw a picture of our class teacher on the board before the teacher arrived in class so that when the teacher entered he could see the drawing. I also made him sign his name below it. He got detention for it. And according to the rules of the game, one can't lie or disclose to anyone that it was a game. I am surely done for now.....
"I am daring Xander." Adrian smiles evilly.
"Bring it on!" I smirked at him.
"Okay then! Your dare is to date the first girl who comes and proposes to you, no matter how she looks or how she speaks." Adrian said giving me a smug smile.
"Adrian..... you know that I can't do that. I already have a girlfriend." I countered.
"Uh-uh... a dare is a dare. You have to do it. I won't take 'no' for an answer." Adrian fought back, shaking his head.
"Ughhh! Fine. I'll do it." I muttered accepting defeat.
"Great! Let's go now before we get late for class!" Adrian clapped his hands excitedly and we made our way to class.
On our way, so many thoughts and questions swirled in my head. Mainly like- how was I supposed to date another girl when I was already dating one? This will be classified as cheating not only for the girl who proposes to me but also Selena, my girlfriend. God! These thoughts and questions will give me a terrible headache. I really hope no one proposes to me. With that as a final thought, I pushed this incident at the back of my head and entered my class. Praying to God that I would make it out of this day alive and preferably- without getting proposed.

Hey there my lovelies! How are you all? I thought about it a lot and decided that I would try to update every Sunday. So...... how did you like the chapter? It was in Xander's POV...😉😉😂. I really hope that you guys enjoyed. Anyways my exams get over on Tuesday so I will definitely try to update more often. See you guys next week. Till then have an amazing week ahead. Goodbye.

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