April 24, 2002 (Zombies)

13 1 2

Dear diary,
I never understood zombies, if they have been decaying for decades then how do they even move? Maybe if they had just died, but I have a question. If you were had died because your heart stopped beating, and then your heart was gave a jolt to give you life again, would you technically be a zombie? Because on one hand, you would be brought back to life which is the story of a zombie, but on the other hand, you were only dead for a little while. What do you think? Another thing about zombies, would you be able to recognize them if you had known them before they had died? They have been decaying for a long time, but you had known them before they had became a zombie. And if you could recognize them would it be good or bad. Guess it depends on if you had more friends or enemies. Even though I don't understand it, I still really like the idea of zombies! I just like the idea of coming back to life in the same body but in a different form. But another question, if you were in the afterlife and your body became a zombie would you be brought back or would your body be in an autopilot mode? I better stop before I get yelled at for someone's brain exploding. Would necromancers be on topic with zombies? I really can't stop. They're are definitely different versions of zombies. I think my least favorite is the Disney version. The entire point of zombies is coming back to life, being animalistic. But the Disney version considers zombies as people. The only thing I like about it is the song 'Someday' it's a pretty good song. Does anyone else get mad at the characters in horror movies when they make stupid choices that no one would actually make? Anyway that's all for this entry

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