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Louis p.o.v
I got up off my couch and walked towards my counter, picking my phone up and checking my messages after hearing the notification.
Hazza💕: Hey love.
Me: hello😊.
Hazza💕: how are you doing today?
Me: pretty good.
Me: how about you?
Hazza💕: I'm glad your doing good.
Hazza💕: And im doing good also.
Me: i'm glad you're good🙂.
Hazza💕: Do you have any plans for today?
Me: Not that I know of, why?
Hazza💕: I was wondering if you'd like to get dinner with me tonight?
Me: oh! I would love to.😊
Hazza💕: That's great, I'm glad. Can you send me your address?
Me: sure it's 906, hester St.
Hazza💕: Thanks, do you mind if I pick you up around 7.
Me: 7 is great, I'll see you then.
Hazza💕: see you then love❤️.

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