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Chris and Lottie had a land-line phone for some unknown reason. The phone sat on the back counter in the kitchen and Seph didn't even notice it until the bag of oranges she was struggling to open burst, sending oranges flying.

One landed on the buttons of the landline phone, causing the voicemails to start playing. "Hey Chris," The voice on the message sent Seph whirling. Goosebumps rose up on her arms, causing her arm hair to prickle with unease. "It's Travis. Seph's gone missing. I'm worried, your parents are worried. Has she talked to you? Give me a call." The phone beeped. 

"End of first message," The robotic phone voice said. "To delete this message, press seven. To replay message, press-" Seph didn't waste any time in slamming the number seven. "Message deleted." Seph sank against the counter, feeling relieved. She rubbed her head, her heart only just beginning to hit a regulated beat. "Fuck." She whispered. Hearing Travis' voice so unexpectedly had terrified her. It had only taken him three days to find Chris' number. 

Seph picked up her orange and turned around. A body leaned against the kitchen doorway. Seph squeaked in surprise and held her hand against her chest, feeling her heart slam against her rib cage. "Fuck you scared me." It was only Jeremy, but she hadn't heard him come to the kitchen.

Jeremy raised an eyebrow. "Why do your parents think your missing?"

"That's really none of your business." She replied, sounding bitchier than she'd meant to. She turned the orange over in her hands. "I'm sorry. My parents aren't worried, that was just my ex being stupid. I'm not missing, he knew I left he just won't accept it." 

Jeremy thought there was more to it than Seph was letting on, but he nodded his head, agreeing. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry. I couldn't help overhearing it and got curious. I'm told that's one of my worst traits. I'm insanely curious. I'm sorry." 

Seph accepted his apology and they slowly migrated back upstairs and found themselves in the game room again. Jeremy pulled YouTube up on the Xbox and then passed her the controller. "Alright, play me your favorite song."

"Oh geez, I can't pick just one... There's so many. My favorite sad song, my favorite happy song, the song I listen to when I'm angry, my favorite stare-out-of the-car-and-pretend-you're-in-a-sad-movie song, the I'm-so-excited-and-need-to-dance-away-all-this-extra-energy-song, actually wait," Seph paused and then nodded, "Yeah I think I might have a favorite. But you can't make fun of it."

"I would never dare to make fun of someone's favorite song," Jeremy said solemnly.

"Okay," Seph said, and put on her favorite song. 'Cheer Up' by A Great Big World. "This song has been my favorite since the first time I heard it but all of my friends hate it because they think its ridiculous."

They sat quietly for the little over two minutes it took for the song to play through fully. By the end, Jeremy was bobbing his head to the beat. "I can see why you like it. It's definitely a mood lifter."

"Exactly." Seph smiled, happy he felt that way about it too. "But also it just makes me feel sort of like all of my problems are insignificant, like for the length of the song I don't need to worry about anything." She smiled and then shrugged. "And what's yours?"

Jeremy played Strong As An O.A.K. by Watsky and Seph listened as intently as he had to hers. At the end of the song, she smiled. "Thanks for putting on a version with lyrics. Holy shit that guy can speed rap."

"I don't think that's even the fastest he's rapped." Jeremy laughed.

"I liked what he had to say. I've never heard of him before, but I think he just might have made my favorites list."

Fool Me Twice (Formerly Persephone)Where stories live. Discover now