Stalking & Beauty.

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The moon was out— bright and big, the dark skies surrounded the moon, the cold wind blew from place to place. The leaves dance to the wind, trees long and big was place down the sidewalk. The only source of light around was the light that shined from streetlights, it gave an ominousfeeling deep in your belly. 

There he stood outside the window of his Kitten window, he had a cigarette between his lips. The darkness hid him, the darkness is his friend. He took a long pull of from his cigarette blew the smoke into the cold wind of the night. 

He made a name from himself here, in Stratford. He was known for his wicked sick killings, his harsh business, he was known all over Canada somewhat of America. People knew he is adangerous man, with so much power to end you. He was happy with the name he name he made for himself. 

He is Justin Bieber people feared him, people did not want to be on his bad side. Justin Bieber is notorious, he was proud not ashamed. Justin saw his Kitten she was sitting on the floor. 

Tears ran down her face, a pout was played on her lips. Her small arms hug around herself, he wanted to taste thoose tears she was crying. He wondered if there were sweet or saltly, why was she crying. Is life not perfect? 

Did she have a sad story? Or was she just crying? His Kitten didn't even notice a monster was looking at her, he smirk and took another pull from his cigarette. She got up from the floor made her way toward her bed. She is very beautiful, very beautiful, oh how he wanted to do some unspeakable things to her. 

His Kitten laid on her bed, staring at the wall. Her ebony black wavy hair was down and stop right before her breast. Her captivating Caribbean ocean— blue eyes stared lifeless to her wall, there were sparkling with sadness. With tender— soft pink plump lips that were parted sightly, Justin wanted to kiss them. 

Her turned onto her side facing toward the window in her bedroom, the darkness hid him. She held onto her pillow as if it was a person. Her ocean blue eyes closed, she was sound asleep. She was more beautiful when she is sleeping, her face so relaxed. He could stare her sleeping forever. 

With one last look to his sleeping Kitten, he whispered "You will be mine, Kitten." He climb down her window. 

He throw his cigarette onto the floor killed with the back of his shoes. He started to walk away from his Kitten's house. With each step he took, he shoes would make noises that spoke pure danger. He carried himself as he was the walking darkness. When he is the walking darkness. 

That night he learned more of his Kitten. 

She cried at night in her room. But her tears, her pain turns him on more. 


Chapter End Notes:

Here is chapter 2 of darkness, once again this is my original work. this is over at Justin Bieber fanficiton website

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