
I sighed in comfort twisting amongst the blankets as my body was once again normal. I could still feel Dale’s hands all over me and the breezy trail they had left on my body. My hands went down to my stomach as I realised what had just happened, there was a possibility that right at this very moment the development of a child could be at play.

I turned around, my arms wrapping around the sleeping body of Dale, a small shudder left him and he turned around. I smiled in surprise, as his clear blue eyes blinked away the remnants of sleep and stared at me.

“I’m sorry” he whispered caressing my face

I didn’t have to ask what he was apologising for, I looked away for a moment thinking back to how scared I had been but I couldn’t be angry at him. I shook my head looking back at him, there was nothing to apologise for. He had been hurt and I could understand that, I knew that if either of us had known that I was going to go into heat he would have stayed.

“Where did you go?”

“Into the woods” he replied simply

I nodded, imagining Farran running around in the forest to clear Dale’s frustration. We lay in silence just staring at each other, I smiled as we reached some kind of understanding. What had happened yesterday was no longer of any consequence, we’d move on from this moment.

“We should get ready and spend the day with Cara” Dale said beginning to detangle our bodies from one another

I followed his lead, rising from the bed with a blanket wrapped around me. I made my way to the bathroom getting prepared as fast as I could. Just as I stepped out the door opened and Dale appeared, a towel wrapped around his waist. I smiled at him sheepishly as I reached for something to wrap around myself, he chuckled clearly amused as he dropped his towel.

My eyes widened and I looked away from him, colour filling my face. He shook his head he moved past me, stooping to wrap my towel around me.

“You act as though we haven’t seen each other like this. Do you not remember last night or the many nights before that?”

“It’s different then” I mumbled moving out of the room as fast as I could, even as I shut the door his laughter floated through to me, the boom of it reminding me of Pietro. The thought of him sobered me slightly, as it hit me that I would never hear him laugh again.

My mind turned to the future, he wouldn’t be the last sacrifice. There was war impending and many people I loved and knew would be hurt of even killed. I stared at my reflection, wondering whether I was good enough for that. I had to admit I looked healthier and stronger than I ever had been before, I had come far but I still had a long way to go. If I were to be a queen one day, I would have to begin acting like one now and my first duty was to stop as many people dying as possible.

I knew I would not be able to avoid sacrifices but if I could minimise the casualties I would be able to survive all the horrors that were to come. Quickly I slipped into one of the darker coloured gowns in the armoire. My hands skilfully wrapped my hair up into a neat bun, just as Dale came out water trailing over his body like steamed rivers. I smiled at the sight and then turned away quickly before he could make a comment. Once again as I waited for him, I glimpsed once more at the mirror assuring myself that I could do this. Was this not my destiny after all?

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