Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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"Did you visit Yuuki?" Zero asked. Him and Maya sat at a table together in the Archives, looking over recently returned files from Hunters who had returned from their missions this past week.

Maya glanced up at him while transferring information from the manila folder to a large book. "I visited yesterday. She seems to be fairing well with the new addition. I was surprised, as I'm sure everyone else was. But it will be no problem keeping it a secret, since I have too much on my plate to really care."

"Yeah, sure. Being the kin of an Ancestor must really fill up your schedule." Zero leaned back in his seat, the sarcasm making Maya raise an eyebrow as she looked up at him, a smirk appearing on her face.

"You're really butthurt by that aren't you! I'm still the same old me, just...a bit more special" - she set down her pen and rested her elbows on the table- "still a hunter, a big sister to you, and the head of a pureblood direwolf clan."

Zero flicked a pencil, the eraser hitting her square in the forehead. "And still a pain in my ass."

The two of them quietly laughed.

"Speaking of pain in the ass, what's the deal between you and Tanaka."

At the mention of Heisuke, the corners of Maya's mouth turned down, letting out a short sigh. "I decided it was better to take a break. I just don't think it will work."

Zero looked stunned. "Everything that you told me he saw about you two, Amara's memories, I thought you liked him."

"I know. Those were Amara's memories, and her feelings mixed with mine, leaving me to believe that I was meant to be with him. Her wishes to be with Taro remained when she was put to rest, and they re-awoke when she did. Heisuke's first appearance in my life was merely coincidence.  Amara took it as part of an opportunity to reconnect with Taro's line out of desperation and excitement" -Maya picked up the pen, moving it between her fingers- "I need to separate myself from her when it comes to personal things like that. Her will to do what's right, to have power, wisdom and, knowledge... that's what I want from the Ancestor. Besides, I have a feeling I'll regret carrying the relationship with Heisuke any longer. So..."

"Did you tell him all of this?"

"I did."

"How'd he take it?"

"He didn't say much, but abided to my wishes to separate. But he wanted to stay friends."

Zero ran a hand through his hair. "What did you say?"

"I said that staying friends was just fine. I haven't talked to him since then, which was a couple of months ago. The next time we meet will be at a party a few months from now."

"MAYA-CHAN!" Kaien Cross ran around a nearby bookshelf and fell to his knees next to her chair, clinging to her. Maya sat there, grabbing another book on the table, giving him a solid whack on the top of his head. He let go, allowing her to grab him by green scarf that forever sat around his shoulders, and gave him a hard shake.

"Would you knock it off? Get a grip." She had just come back from a three-week mission out of town. "You're acting like a two year old."

"But I've missed you, Maya." He whined. Maya grit her teeth and growled under her breath. What saved the old man from her wrath was the arrival of her master.

Yagari strode over to the table, lit cigarette in his mouth. With a free hand, Maya plucked it from his mouth when he bent over to give her another stack of files, throwing it to the ground and stepped on it. 

"No smoking in here, Sensei."

"Why are you so pissed?" He grumbled, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

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