Dared to Reveal | PhaYo (GodtBas)

Start from the beginning

"P'Wayo!" a female's voice rang. Wayo groaned and head held his forehead and slammed his arm on the table, ignoring the pain. Ming immediately groaned and held Kit closer as he ate some of Kit's food. Phana looked up and saw Flower.

"No wonder he's annoyed.." Phana mumbled quietly. Wayo slowly looked up at her and smiled politely.

"Can I help-" Wayo started but got cut off.

"Go out with me, P'?!" she yelled despite being told he's dating Phana and Phana sitting beside him. Wayo smiled awkwardly before looking Phana in the eyes.

"Why are you asking someone that's taken?" Ming asked, catching almost everyone off guard. Flower stared at Ming for a bit before smiling.

"How about you dat-"

"Don't even, bitch." Kit hissed as he glared at the girl, shocking and scaring her. She smiled scared and bowed a little before running away at full speed. Everyone laughed amusingly.

"Nice one, Kitty." Beam said and patted Kit's shoulder.

"Call me that one more time and I promise you, you won't be able to talk afterward." Kit threatened. Beam shrugged and smiled, not afraid. Phana noticed that Wayo didn't have any food and the fact that Ming is eating Kit's food.

"Have you ate, N'Yo?" Phana asked. Wayo smiled and shook his head.

"No, P'Phana." Wayo said. Phana nodded and looked at his own food. He slid the plate to Wayo along with his water. Wayo looked at Phana with wide eyes.

"Eat, nong." Phana said and smiled. Wayo looked at the stuff hesitantly.

"Are you sure, P'?" Wayo asked. Phana nodded and patted Wayo's shoulder very lightly.

Phana stared at Wayo while the younger ate.

"I finally see this cutie again." Phana thought to himself. His thoughts were interrupted by his phone going off. Everyone looked at him as he got the phone from his pocket. Phana stared at the name for a minute before taking a breath in and putting the phone on the table.

"She can wait." Phana said and muted the phone after it stopped ringing.

"Aren't you and Kat dating?" Wayo asked curiously. Phana sighed and shook his head.

"No. I don't like her. She likes me, I guess?" Phana said with a confused expression before nodding. Wayo nodded and realized he technically had an indirect kiss.

"Holy shit..." Wayo thought. He ended up smiling and continued eating happily as he finally had some type of kiss with his long lost, now found, crush.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Ming asked Wayo weirded out. Wayo stopped eating and put the fork back down while crossing his arms and looking at Ming with a "really? You know." look. Ming opened his mouth and nodded slowly once. "Still. It's creepy. Stop it." Wayo grabbed a plastic container and threw it at Ming before continuing to eat like it never happened. "You're evil."

"Yes. Thank you." Wayo said without looking up at him. Ming stared at Wayo for a few before looking at Phana.

"So, Pha. How has the beast been?" Ming asked, making almost everyone laugh, or at least giggled. "Oh! Also! Me and Wayo are planning on going to a pool later today. You guys wanna go with?" Wayo put his fork back down and nodded while crossing his arms on the table. Everyone agreed and Ming nodded, standing up to leave. "Also, you two better talk and get together or we're gonna force you two to talk." Wayo stood up abruptly and ran after the, now, running Ming. Kit smiled and shook his head while Phana continued staring in confusion.

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