Chapter One.

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Sophia's P.O.V (5 years ago)

The pleasuring sound of the school bell rang, blaring through the school halls. Everyone immediately shot up,swinging the classroom door open and leaving to go to where ever they had to go. I happily stood up, making my way to meet harry at the vending machines.

I stood for a couple of minutes, tapping my foot impatiently waiting for harry. I watched as kids took all their iPhones out their bags, fingers constantly tapping on the screens. Though, the sound of a happy voice stopped me from my thoughts.

I gasped as smooth hands covered my blue eyes, a smile forming on my plump lips. "Guess who." The voice says, I already knew who it was, his low and raspy voice says it all.

I giggle, removing the pale hands. "You always do that." I chuckle, pinching Harry's hands as I removed them from my eyes.

Harry dramatically winces, frowning. "And you always do that." He says as we walk out of the huge building. I bumped into multiple bags, scoffs being heard.

"I wouldn't be if you didn't cover my eyes and say," I clear my throat. "Guess who." I say in the most manly voice I can. Though, when harry breaks out into fits of laughter, it's my turn to frown.

"I hate you." I mumble as harry and I walk down the school steps, harry skipping some with his long legs.

"We all know that isn't true." He smirks.

I stop as I see my Step-dad glaring at harry and I from his black range-rover. Even through the tinted windows, I can see his ridiculously long black hair and his shiny white teeth, so white it could blind you from 10 miles away.

Sighing, I told harry I'd see him tomorrow. As we bided our goodbyes, I lazily walked over to my car, opening it to reveal my step-father.

got to my door I saw my dad In his car he shouted form the car window get it we're going out for dinner "bye harry see u when I'm home'' so we're we going dad oh just to my friends pub we went through a dark Forest are u sure this is the way dad? He stopped the car and got out and opened my door get out the car we're are we dad then.he grabbed me by the waste and held my mouth shut I tried screaming and kicking him I didn't know what was going on I thought he was playing a trick on me I was only 9 at the time so I didn't think anything of it we got to this door in the Forest it was horrible and dark he then through me down a Ditch Landing in my back it was painful shut up And be quiet why are u doing this I said because mum left Us for some famous guy and it made me angry that's why I want revenge so I'm keeping you here at the time I was really scared and frighten and a bit worried why would he do this to me when he wasn't looking I ran up the ladders trying to get out but he noticed me and dragged me back down and said to me u don't want to be doing that and slapped me on the face it had been 2 days sins I had be down here my dad had been gone for awhile I did try getting out but it was locked it was my birthday in 1 month I was wondering if I would still be here then the door opened that always scared me because that meant my dad would be coming down and wondering what he would do to me next I felt angry for what he was doing and keeping me here so I ran to him and punch him in the face you little bitch he grabbed me by the hand and stuck is cigarette on my arm burning me stop stop I yelled he then pushed me hitting my head of the bed I woke up a few hours after finding my self in a corner tied up to a Pole and my dad sitting looking at me his face was all purple and bruised this is what you done to me but I have a little surprise for you he came other to me and un tied me and picked me up and placed me on the bed then laid me down I tried  wriggling but he was to strong for me I don't think you want to know what happened at this but but it was terrified for me it had been a couple of days Since what happened to me I lay in the corner crying to myself hurt inside.Its my birthday in 3 days And I'm still here I wondered if anyone was looking for me out there and thinking how Worried Harry must be it was his birthday in 3 days to we have the same birthday but he his 2 years older then me he would be turning 12 and I would be turning 10 he was like a big brother to me always there for me I miss him my dad was out up in the hut which was hiding this underground bunker so no one would find me I tried keep my self Company by singing to my self or something then I looked under the bed and saw a book and pen with blank pages so I decided to write about myself to keep me okey pied then my dad came back I Hid the Notebook under the bed my dad sat down at his desk I yelled at him "how long are you gonna keep me here for I cried" for as long as I want.your not gonna get away with this someone will find me haha really I don't think so "is not my fault mum left you for a famous hot guy" she his better of with someone who loves her and doesn't hurt her what would mum do if she found out what you are doing to me she won't and no One will "I HATE YOU I WISH YOU WERE NEVER MY DAD I yelled" well that's was very hurt full to me hurt full to you what Are you saying you are the one who dragged me slapped me, burnt me and much more so u can't talk well maybe I did that dose not mean you can shout at me he walked away you dick what did you say to me oh nothing right I need to go out so stay here well is not like I'm going anywhere is it  just be quiet you did you know dad know what is my birthday in 2 days really I never knew oh well  looks like nothing for you then it was next morning I had alway woke up rough from lying on my back and sleeping on the grout with just a blanket I never got to sleep I just keep thinking of why I'm here my evil dad was gone so I got out the notebook and pen and started writing more stuff  I was a bit more happy when I wrote in my notebook I felt like I can tell it anything even tho it's not a real person is I felt calm and free whew I write it lets me Express my feelings I feel alone down here wondering why me I'm only 9 I don't understand anything that's going on in my mind I sit and wondering when will this all be over or will it never end no one deserves to be treated like this by someone that's why I won't to write this story and tell you all about my past


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2018 ⏰

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