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"As I'm sure you're aware of, the Hero System in many countries around the world are nothing but corrupt. You will be focusing on the Japanese Hero System. It is filled with faux heroes who are unable to even protect themselves. There are also many others who act as though they are exempt from the law, simply because they have the title of being a 'hero.' Anyone can be a hero simply by going through a type of school but have nothing to show for it. They walk around and get paid for doing nothing. They get paid for doing—how should I put it? —villainy. I'm afraid that they've left us no choice but to go and get our own hands dirty. The only way to do so and leave an impact is to dispose of them. Permanently. Am I clear, Miss (y/f/n)?"


"Perfect. I hope you enjoy doing... vigilante work, Madame Fox."

. . .

I sighed as I looked out the plane window, about to begin my journey from (c/n) to Japan. I gazed down at the fake passport in my hand that said I was fifteen years old, complete with a fake name, (a/n). I looked up at the man next to me, my supposed "guardian" for this trip. He was actually just a man who worked for the man who sent me on this "mission." With another sigh, I turned back to the window, putting away my passport in my handbag and put on my seatbelt as the plane began to take off.

'This is gonna be a long ride.'

. . .

Many hours and a night of sleep later, we had made it to Japan. I stretched and grunted before sighing in relief, finally being able to stretch my legs out again. The man and I grabbed our luggage and put them into the trunk of a car that was waiting for us at the airport entrance, most likely being driven by someone who's also part of the organization. We both got in the back seat, buckled up, and sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Your mission briefing," the man said as he handed me a briefcase.

I nodded my head and accepted the briefcase from him, putting it on the floor next to my feet.

'It's not like I don't already know what I'm supposed to do. It's probably just a lot of minute details and the like.'

After about three and a half hours of driving, we came up to a house that was more than 2 miles away from anything else besides the local train station, which was about a twenty-minute walk(about 1 mile) from this house. They're weren't even any neighbors in the area. It was surrounded by open fields filled with tall grasses that could almost brush your waste. There were some trees, but not many. The house was only one story high and built in the traditional Japanese style, complete with the engawa (outdoor hallways) that surrounds the entirety of the house, and the area where you have to burn wood in order to heat up the bath water.

The man and I got out of the car, the briefcase in my hand, and the handbag slung over my shoulder. The man went around the car and pulled my luggage out before slamming the trunk shut and walking over to me.

"This is where you will be staying during the duration of your task. To get to U.A., you must use the train station we passed on the way here. We will supply you with all necessities during your stay, so you can place your full attention on the mission," the man placed my bags down in front of me. "What you do to the house is of no concern to me, just know that it is now your living quarters. If you ever need to get in contact with us, the number you call for the Japanese branch is in the briefcase. Do you understand?"

Sands (BNHA x antihero!reader)Where stories live. Discover now