Chapter 5

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Leah looked unhappy.She was not  sure if she could tell Kayla that she was moving to Arizona.Mrs Imogen warned Leah not to tell Kayla.''She'll make a fuss and everything.''said Mrs imogen,sighing at the mention of Kayla.Leah thought she'd better tell Kayla.

''MOVING?''exclaimed Kayla the next day in school.''Arizona is very far from singapore.''she commented with sadness.Leah nodded.''If only i could buy you tickets then we can both flyyyy to Arizona,you and me in the plane,you and me at home....''she said dreamily.Kayla agreed.

Two days later,they had a farewell party.''Will write to you,''promised Leah.Kayla,stuffing a doughnut into her mouth,grinned.''Okay,''

''Bye,Leah!''yelled Kayla from her window.Leah turned around at looked at her friend.Mrs Imogen hurried her into the car.''No time,we're flying off at 7:00.''said Mrs Imogen.Leah kept staring at Kayla till they rounded the bend and vanished.Kayla wailed.''WHY DID MY BEST FRIEND HAVE TO MOVE?''she shouted.Mark shook his head.''8 year olds are indeed stupid.''He commented.Kayla glared at him,offended.''NO THEY ARE SMART!''she yelled.Mrs Keyes sighed.''LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME WITHOUT MY BEST FRIEND!''she screamed.

Meanwhile,Leah was at the airport.''Can i call Susan?''she asked her mother.''Sure you can,dear''replied her mother.Leah trembled.She knew she had told a lie.Leah was refrained from calling Kayla as her mother feared it might cause Leah to miss her even more until she wailed for Kayla too.

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