Battle training

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{==3rd POV==}

Our hero-in-training, (Y/n), goes to check up on Midoriya after the tests. Even though he wasn't expelled, the broccoli haired boy did injure his finger and had to go to the infirmary. (Y/n) arrived and saw his friend getting kissed by recovery girl. His thumb healed almost immediately and the duo got to return to their classroom.

When they reenter the classroom, their peers were talking to each other. (Y/n) went over to talk to Yaoyorozu while Midoriya headed towards Uraraka. "How is his thumb?" Momo asked. (Y/n) shrugged, "He'll be fine. Recovery girl did her magic and his thumb is now healed." "But it's –" She started before getting interrupted by (Y/n). "I know it isn't magic. I was joking" He said as he turned away and hung his head, a sad aura appearing around him.

"I AM ... COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON" The class heard as All Might appeared in the doorframe. He was dressed in one of his older costumes, as he heroically hung in the doorframe. The class erupted in quit whispers and murmurs about him teaching, some even were about his costume.

"Now class, I'm going to give you hero basic training! And today's training consists of..." The bulk of a man spoke as he held up a card, on which 'combat' stood. "Combat training!" He finally finished. He then presses a button as the walls eject a case which lands in his hand. "The costumes you've described during your application letters have been created. These are your very own hero costumes! Change into them and meat me at ground beta" He said as the whole class erupted in cheering.

~+~Time Skip brought to you by chibi (Y/n) having a nosebleed from Chibi Momo's hero costume~+~

All the students gather at the front of the building and All Might looks around, only to notice some students still missing. Midoriya eventually appears from the halls, clad in a green one-piece costume, with a mask that looks a little like a smile in front of his mouth. His suit even covers his head, as on top of it stand two 'ears' that resemble All Might's hair. All Might sees it and has to cover his mouth at how obvious the ode to him was.

The last one to arrive was (Y/n). His footsteps are heard as a dark figure is seen walking out of the tunnel. The entire class looked in that direction to slowly but surely see the light uncover the figure to be (Y/n). He wore a black and yellow trench coat, a brown pair of jeans and a tank-top shirt. He had a small necklace with a red gem around his neck. Strapped on his back was a large metal pipe and in the pockets of his coat were two stun gun bats. (A taser on a stick)

(Reference:  without the sword)

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(Reference: without the sword)

As he joined the group, All Might spoke about the costumes, "You all look amazing everyone! That is the look of heroes!" He spoke enthusiastically. Meanwhile (Y/n) had walked towards Momo. When he saw her costume, he began to blush almost as red Kirishima's hair. Momo complimented his outfit, "You look like a real hero, (Y/n)" "T-T-Thank you, M-Momo" (Y/n) managed to stammer. The poor boy tried his best not to look and eventually sighed. "Are you alright, (Y/n)? You're red, are you sick perhaps?" Yaoyorozu asked getting closer. (Y/n) froze as he became even redder. He quickly took a step back, surprising the girl. She was about to ask him as All Might continued. "As you know, some fight happen outside. Those are the ones the public sees. However! A smart villain stays hidden in the dark. So you understand a lot of fights also happen inside building. Today we're gonna simulate indoor battles." The pro hero then gets bombarded with questions as he bit by bit start to break down, before quickly grabbing his notes. "I'll answer all of your questions in a second!" He quickly states.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2018 ⏰

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