Day 9 ~ Necromancer

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A/N Please bear with me as I attempt to catch up on these prompts!

Spooktober Day 9


"You can't bring somebody back from the dead, doofus," Izayoi stated matter-of-factly as she strolled into the kitchen and got herself a juice box from the fridge.

Tai schlepped in after her, frowning and looking like a miniature version of his father when he was particularly argumentative. "Nuh uh," he fired back defiantly, a little pout on his face. "They did in your dumb movie!"

Izayoi turned around and scowled at her brother. "Hocus Pocus is not dumb, and it's fake, Tai," corrected and rolled her eyes. "There are no such things as magic or witches that come back from the dead."

"That's not what Mama said!"

Sitting at the table, Inuyasha paused in the middle of sending a text to said woman, who he could hear snickering in the other room, and slowly lifted his head to regard his children with a cocked brow. "Your mom said what, now?" he asked, curious despite himself.

Giving a quiet snort, his daughter occupied herself with punching a hole in her juice box while Tai turned to the older hanyou and huffed, crossing his small arms and in Inuyasha's opinion, looking adorable. "Mama said that—"

"Don't tell him, idiot!" Izayoi hissed, shooting a panicked look at her father who in turn raised his eyebrows in surprise, then lowered them as he narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"Don't call me idiot, stupid!" Tai retaliated, a little growl echoing in his throat as he glared at his sister.

"I'm not stupid, twerp!"





"Hey, hey, hey!" Inuyasha interjected and emitted a sharp growl that had both his children immediately shutting up and shrinking under his stern glare. "Knock it off or you're both grounded. Jesus," he muttered to himself and shook his head.

"She started it," his youngest murmured, still pouting and aiming an annoyed look at his sister.

Before Izayoi could retort, Inuyasha snapped, "I don't care who started, I'll finish it. Shut up, wench," he called out when he heard a loud and feminine snort from the living room. "Tai, what did your mom say?" he asked, crossing his arms and looking expectantly at the young half-demon.

Looking a mite smut, Tai started to stick his tongue out at Izayoi but his father's sharp look stalled that action and sheepishly he admitted, "Mama said—"

"Didja used to date a witch, Daddy?!" Izayoi interrupted, apparently forgetting her promise to their mother about keeping quiet about the subject, however judging by the various sounds of amusement coming from the other room, Kagome didn't seem to mind.

Inuyasha balked and stared at his daughter. "What?" he asked, thrown for a loop.

"A witch," she repeated, and Tai bobbed his head up and down in agreement, his golden eyes wide with innocent wonder. "Mama said she was crazy and claimed she could raise the dead like a nec...necro...mance...?" She blinked and then shook her head. "Like a witch!"

Rubbing his forehead and shaking his head, the older half-demon sighed and wondered what the hell kind of stories his wife was telling their children to make them think he'd dated a witch of all things. "I did not date a witch, you two, because one, they're not real, and two, your mom is whacked."

Kagome's loud "Ha!" drifted into the kitchen, to which he ignored.

"What about Coco?" Tai asked with a puzzled frown, tilting his head and regarding his father curiously.

Inuyasha frowned. "Who?"

Izayoi rolled her eyes. "It's not Coco, moron, it's Keiko!" She blinked and cocked her head. "I think?"

Completely lost, Inuyasha stared blankly at his children, silent.

"No," Tai said fiercely and wrinkled his nose. "Kuh..."


Inuyasha suddenly paled. Oh no.



No no no nonononononono—

His too-smart-for-their-own-good children exchanged a glance. Blinked.

And chorused with matching grins, "Kikyou!"

"Goddammit, Kagome!" Inuyasha hollered amid his devious wife's insane cackling from the other room while his mischievous children snickered and high-fived.

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