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●○●my pov ●○●

"OMG I MADE IT TO U.A. THAT SCHOOL IS AMAZING OH AND HEARD A FAMOUS BUNNY IS HE IS CALLED ALL MIGHT HE SOOOOOOOOOOO COOL"izuku made it to u and a famous school for the smart and talented signed up foto gymnastics since he is very flexible and made it he starts school today

They already sent his uniform so he putting in on it was izuku little tight around the hips so he would take it up with his teacher

"Izuku are you ready I made breakfast it's your favorite lettuce!!!!!" Izuku went to the kitchen and sat down and ate "slow down izuku or you'll choke "into said with a bright smile on her face and izuku returned that smile but brighter "I'm sorry izuku you keep having to change schools "its fine mom I'm happy to make new friends at u.a. a I will probably meet all might!!!"into smiled "bye mom see you later!!!"

Izuku pov

I was walking to school and made it to the front gate and nervousness immediately slapped him in the face"what if they don't like me what if they bully me "I started to mumble then I heard someone say "hey"I looked up and there was a girl ?she had brown I eyes and hair she was a bunny like me she was also wearing a u.a uniform "hi my name is "ochaco uraraka nice to meet you"oh u-um m-my name is izuku midoriya but call me izuku"so are you new I never seen you around "ye I'm new" oh okay do you want to walk to class and what class are u in"I'm in class one 1A"OH so am I follow me and I will take you"

My pov

Once they made it to 1A every one was stareing at me awizawa told the student to quiet down and to introduce himself "hi my name is izuku midoriya i and I hope we and get along " the boys were blushing so was awizawa patted izuku head and told him to sit behind the angry looking wolf awizawa moved his hand and izuku sat down and awizawa became I caterpillar and said "this is your free time " and fully submerged in to a yellow caterpillar a blue dog and ochaco came up to me and some other student's those students where






And yaga

But only kirashima talked but he was blushing

"So i-izuku I have a question or a request "yes kirashima " can I hug you "u-ummm" its okay if yo-"sure "what?" I wonder why the looked shocked it's just a hug I stood up and kirashima came closer and we hugged it was like a minute but I didn't mind it liked hugs but then







What will happen next am making a ch right after this so don't worry

The  bunny and the wolf ○●♡katsudeku ♡●○( continued maybe)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora