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To Mona.

Tell me, Mona, did you find someone better than me?

Did you not like me all along, but kept up an act for your parents?

Did I do something wrong? Because I know I didn’t.

I cared for you. I cared for you, Mona. All those times I sat by you crying, comforting you. Talking to you late so you’d laugh instead of cry. All the promises I made and I promised I’d keep them and until now I haven’t broken any of them.

Tell me, how did you let go of what we had?

How did you do it?


I just had the idea that the prequel might be titled holding on or anchor because like I got this quote idea and it's like "I held on to you and you pulled me down" or something like that idk I'm really so excited to know what you think okay.

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