Chapter 3

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I looked down to see Ally peacefully resting her head on my shoulder. She is gorgeous. Why would she run awsy from home? Shes covered in blood and bruieses and lots of scars. I checked her wrist and there were multiple scars. i am beginning to get kind of worried about her.

At my school im known as the hot bad ass who gets all the girls, but really all tose girls are fake and mean nothing to me. All i want is Ally, but she probably doesnt even feel the same way. afterall she didnt even want to move in with nash and i.

I guess i liked her because she is different. Ive never let my wall down to anyone before i just cover up the person i really am with the bad ass act. I really dont want ally to find out that im a total ass hole or that im acting like one. I want t get to know her before i jump to conclusion that i like her. She is the only girl who never chased after me, the guys at school probably will get her before i do, so why should i even bother?


My eyes flutterd open and i saw that cameron was gone. I looked around the room and now that it was bright out i could make my way to the bathroom. There was a large bathroom with two doors, one leading to the hallway the other to cams room. I locked both doors and turned on the sink.

I grabbed a towl and dabbed the back of my head with the damp cloth, that only made it hurt worse so i yelped in pain without even thinking. I quickly covered my mouth hoping no one would hear, and thank god no one did.i tried again then burst out in tears. I feel so broken.

I decided instead of tourturing myself i should go eat, i havent eaten in almost 3 days. I walked down stairs to see nash making pancakes and cameron sprawled out on the couch playing on his phone. I walked over and sat at the island. This house was huge! Behind me was a huge patio with fold out chairs and a coffee table. Inside the house was a loveseat and a large couch. The floors were oak wood and complemented the house nicely. The tv was on playing spongebob and it was even bigger than the TV in Cams room.

"Morning sleepy head" Nash said. He handed my a bowl of Cherios, a glass of orange juice and 1 pancake.

"Wow, thats a ton of food. You must think im fat." I said trying to sound hurt instead i burst out laughing.

"Hahaha No, i just know you ran away from home and probably didnt get anythhing to eat for a while." Than i instantly dug in. I didnt know i was that hungry. I finished the food in less than 5 minutes.

Cameron hasnt even looked up from his phone yet. I wonder whats gotten into him. I sat on the couch next to his feet. He glanced up at me and looked bak down. Nash noticed him acting weird and started asking me questions.

"Umm... Ally?" Nash asked worry in his voice.


"How did you get that scar on your neck and arm?"




I sat up and looked around. I had my dress draped over my body and i was only left in my bra and underwear. I quickly put my dress on and started walking.

"SHIT SHES AWAKE" i heard a familiar voice scream. I tried to scream back but then a hand went over my mouth. I tried kicking and screaming until i realized who it was.

"Hey baby, did you enjoy last night?" Kyle whispered in my ear. I started kicked and screaming again, but he pulled out a large knife and tried shushing me. he took his hand off my mouth and looked me in the eyes and i didn't move.

"But why? what did i ever do to u?"

"well.. you took things too slow for one. two no one ever liked you. you think you're miss perfect but you're so wrong. I can make up things about you're perfect past to keep you from becoming miss perfect of the school." I was so confused. What did it matter to him if i was popular or not. and where is all this coming from? Why would he want to 'destroy me'.

It all made sense when the populars came over and ashley the most popular of them all came over and made out with him.

"I have an idea" Ashley said and grabbed the knife out of kyles hand " Lets make the bitch cut herself" while i was fighting them off from cutting my wrist they cut my arm and my neck and again left my body laying there lifeless. I still have no clue why theyre doing this to me."




"Umm Ally?" Nash said. I looked at him and just shook my head

"Uhh. um. i fell- uh- down the steps and- uh cut myself on the- ah- bannister." im horrible at lying. I looked down at my hands and i felt cam look at me.

"Ally you know me and Nash totally didn't buy that." still looking at my hands i just nodded.

" im gonna go get a shower. if you dont mind." they both shook their heads so i stood up and walked to cams room to the bathroom. This time i didnt lock both doors. i didnt feel like taking a shower just yet so again i tried to clean my wound again but I burst out crying again.

I'm such a baby. I tried multiple more times but the pain was so unbearable i even started bleeding again. I probably need stitches. I just lay on the tile floor crying because i was just in so much pain.

a/n I KNOW SOME OF THESE CHAPTERS ARENET MAKING MUCH SENSE BUT I PROMISE IT WILL ALL COME TOGETHER IN THE END AND THE FLASHBACKS ARE ALL CONNECTED. i might change some of the first chapter soon, but it wont ruin the whole story. please vote thank you guys!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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