Dare: Yummy Chocolate

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Thanks to loves_kitkat for the dare!

Um... I dare elsa and anna and Jack to have a chocolate eating contest.

Elsa: I love chocolate!

Anna: *reads dare and smiles* Me too!

Jack: *shrugs* I don't know, I'm not a fan of chocolate.

Anna: *dances like a chicken* CHICKEN! BAWK! BAWK!

Jack: *growls* I'm not a chicken! I'll do it.

Elsa: Olaf! Bring us some chocolate please!

Olaf: *runs to the kitchen and hands Elsa the chocolate* Here you go!

Anna: Olaf, can you count how many chocolates each person eats?

Olaf: *nods* Get... Ready... Set.... SNOWMAN!!

Elsa: *stuffs half of a chocolate bar into mouth and chews* Twis tus yummy!

Anna: *stuffs a WHOLE chocolate into mouth and chews* This hurts a little.

Jack: *takes a small bite* Ew.

Olaf: Oo! Anna is winning! And Jack is um.. Last.

Jack: I know that.

Elsa: *eats the other half*

Anna: *stuffs two more bars* This is like heaven*

Hans: *passes by and stares* I'm not even going to ask.

Olaf: They are having a chocolate eating contest and Anna is first and Elsa is second and Jack is the loser!

Hans: *smirks at Jack* Of course he is. In fact he probably hates it because it reminds him of Elsa and An-.

Jack: *Holds him in a choke postition* You want to finish that sentence

Olaf: And Anna is the winner!

Elsa: Comment and ask us questions or dare us. Oh, and I bet you all 10 bucks that Jack is going to beat Hans up.

Ask or Dare ElsaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora