I felt tears pouring out of my eyes with each word she spoke. That was impossible, there was no way Haley felt that way...right? It was always her choice to hang out with me, I never forced her. My back hit the wall but I kept my eyes trained on the person that I've always considered to be like a sister to me, now looking livid.

"But you know what the worst part it?" she gently said, walking closer until she was inches away from me. I looked directly in her eyes. She leaned closer until her mouth was right by my ear. "It's that you're always...so...gullible," she whispered.

Suddenly I felt a searing pain and I cried out and fell to the ground, clutching my stomach. Looking up, I saw Haley's blue eyes morph back into the solid black ones that looked demonic. "Karla," I chocked out, looking down at my stomach.

My eyes widened with fear when I saw a wooden stake on my side.


Levi's point of view

"Who's Lucas?" Lucas said, glaring at all of us. I watched as he twirled a wooden stake around in his hand. There was no way that this was the same guy that I know. I didn't know him for that long but I know that this person wasn't him.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He focused his black eyes on me. "And what the hell happened to your eyes?" I asked.

He was about to respond when suddenly Drew appeared behind him and slammed him to the wall, his hand around his neck. Layton quickly grabbed the stakes and tossed them to Sabrina. "Who are you and where's Nebraska?" Layton growled out at him.

Drew loosened his hold on Lucas' neck so he could respond. "Probably dead now," he chocked out, clawing at Drew's hand to let him go. 

Layton grabbed a knife and was about to stab him when I shouted at him to stop. "Can't you see? That isn't Lucas! Someone took over his body!" I told him. "Look at his eyes, there's no way that's him anymore," I said.

"Karla," Sabrina whispered.

"What? What does she have to do with this?" I asked.

"Karla can take possession over any body. Actually she can take over multiple bodies at once and treat them like her own puppets," she explained. "But that's only if the host body is already dead," she said, looking at me sadly.

"Does that mean that the real Lucas..." I trailed off.

She nodded regretfully. "If that's the Lucas you know and is under Karla's command, there's no doubt that the real Lucas is dead. She would have had to kill him before taking over the body," she said.

Everyone was silent except for the sound of the Lucas puppet growling and threatening Drew to let him go, at which Drew would tighten his hold on his neck. "So what do we do now?" Layton asked, looking at the puppet.

"If you kill him, then he's dead and Karla can't take over him again. If you kill one of her puppets then she won't be able to get take control of their bodies again. But by doing that you're completely killing the person," Sabrina explained. Her time in the castle taught her so much.

I looked back at the puppet. The real Lucas was gone now, this wasn't him. This was his body, but now his soul. "Kill him," I softly whispered, turning away. Back when Layton used to force me to spy on Braska, Lucas was the person I hung around with at school. Not only because he was close to Braska, but because he was a cool person to be around. I had really gotten close to him.

I didn't watch as I heard the sound of bones snapping before his body hit the floor. I turned back around to see Lucas on the ground, his neck broken. "Now how are we suppose to know where Nebraska is?" Layton whined.

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