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"Babe you're funny if you think we aren't going." I scoff standing in the middle of the room with my hands on my hips.

"Taegan please, it's just for today's game." Dansby begged.

Kinsley sat with headphones on watching some cartoon on the iPad. She was still shaken up and didn't want to be out of mine or Dansby's sight. "Dans we can sit in the box." I try arguing.

Dansby sighed running a hand through his hair. "I don't care. I don't want y'all out there today." He was trying to remain calm but I know I wasn't making it easy with the amount of sass I was giving him.

"No we came on this trip to watch you play because we don't get to as often as we'd like so damnit Dansby I'm watching!" My voice rose a bit making Kins look over before back at her show.

"Its for y'all's safety until I can get some security that you stay here?" He groans.

"We will be fine! I will be with Kinsley and I'll have Meg and Chelsea with me." I argue again standing my ground.

Dansby let out a frustrated groan running his hands through his hair. "Fuck it. You're so damn hard headed sometimes!" He final raised his voice.

"Maybe I am but you're being a stubborn ass right now!" I fire right back at him.  "Dansby we can't live our lives in fear. Yes I'm terrified that there is a woman stalking us claiming that our daughter is hers but I'm not going to let that stop me from living my life." 

"Taegan." Dansby sighed seeing that I was finally breaking. Tears were welding in my eyes and I was doing everything in my power to hold them back. Dansby stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me as I broke down. "You don't have to act strong all the time beautiful. It's ok to break down." He whispers kissing my head.

I let it out. All the fear that was building in me I let out in tears. "Who the hell is she." I cried as Dansby ran his fingers through my hair.

"I don't know pretty girl, I don't know." He says holding me close.

I say there in Dansby's arms crying until I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Mommy ok?" I turn to see Kinsley looking at me confused.

I nod and wipe under my eyes. "Yea baby mommy is ok." I nod pulling her into my arms. "Mommy's ok now." I whisper kissing her head.

Dansby ended up being able to get security at our box and Kins and I were able to go to the game. While Charlie and Kinsley chased each other around the box I was able to sit and talk with Chelsea and Megan.

"So what do you think you're going to do?" Chelsea asked.

I sigh taking a sip of my water. "I don't know. I'm thinking about going to the adoption center where we got Kinsley and asking for her father's records. Maybe track down a death certificate from that."

"Well if you need a lawyer or anything let me know." Chelsea offers making me chuckle.

"You do remember my brother is a lawyer right?" I laugh.

Chelsea blushed as Megan busy out laughing. "Right, I forgot."

"Thanks though." I smile.

The game was in the 7th inning when I heard a commotion outside the door. Getting curious I stand up and make my way to the door. Peering out I see the woman from Kinsley's birthday party trying to get past the security.

"Hell no." I snap throwing the door open.

"Let me through! My baby is in there!" The woman argued.

"Who the hell are you?" I snap pushing my way through security.

The women looked up and locked eyes with me. "The better question is why did you steal my baby! I've been looking for her for 3 years!"

"I didn't steal your baby lady! And I don't know who the hell you are so I think you better leave my family the hell alone before I get your ass arrested for stalking." I snap.

"Me? Arrested? I'm just trying to get my baby back that, that bastard stole from me!" She exclaimed. "He took my baby!"

"No one took your baby! Our adoption was legal!" I argue. "Security take her out." I demand.

Turning around Chelsea and Megan were both standing behind me protectively. "Are you ok?" Megan asks coming up to me.

I nod breathing heavily. "I'm just stressed now."

The rest of the game I was still on edge and couldn't wait to just get to Dansby. After explaining everything to him he had Kinsley and I on a flight back home immediately and security at the house.

I on the other hand was headed home to try and figure all this stuff out and find an actual birth certificate and everything. Thankfully my mom was able to come over and watch Kinsley from our house while I went to the adoption center.

"Taegan! Oh my look at you!" The Manager greets me. Dansby and I are both close with everyone here seeing as we do all our volunteering here.

"Yea but I'm actually here for something." I say pulling my purse up on my shoulder.

"Oh no? Is everything ok?" She asks concerned.

I sigh shaking my head. "Not really no. Can we go in your office?" She nods and leads me into her office.

"So what's wrong sweetie?" She asks as we take a seat in her chairs.

I run my hand through my hair. "Well we have a lady stalking us trying to say Kinsley is her daughter, but when we adopted her y'all told us she was dead and the father dropped her off."

"That's true." She nods typing away on her computer. "Yes here is Kinsley's birth certificate, and the mothers dead certificate in the database." I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank god. Now I've just got to figure out who the hell this crazy woman is following us." I breathed.

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