Chapter 10: Date

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I think I look okay...right? I questioned as I stared at my reflection. My makeup was done with a soft smoky eyeshadow and black eyeliner that made my e/c eyes pop, a shimmering red lipstick painted across my lips. My h/c locks were pulled back into a half up, the loose strands cascading down the sides of my blushed cheeks. Along with having my hair and makeup done, I was in my new dress. As expected, the fabric hugged every curve of my body, which was the opposite of my typical fashion choice. The brilliant red material popped against my skin, my black high heel boots adding a dash of sophistication to the whole outfit.

All in all, I'd say I looked pretty good for a plain Jane. I'd even dare to say I felt good as well. Sure, that wasn't my typical getup, but I believed I pulled it off pretty good. I wonder if Kellen will be surprised. I bit down on my bottom lip. Maybe he'll like my new dress. That was what I hoped, at least.

I breathed in a deep breath and sighed, "Well, I should start making my way down. Kellen will be here soon."

I made my way away from the mirror and to my coat. I shrugged it on and grabbed a dress purse my grandmother had given me before I left h/p. She had told me it'd come in handy eventually and I was more than happy to report that it was.

I slipped my keycard and phone into the purse and made for my leave, closing the door behind myself. I trotted down the hall to the elevator, summoning it with a push of a button. The doors slid open and I hopped on. It lowered me to the first floor and set me free. A few people were making their way about in the main lobby. That was only expected as it was Friday, so I wasn't really surprised, though I didn't expect all the stares. It was as if the people I saw almost daily were seeing me for the first time. It felt...bizarre, yet...pleasant. This is different. I smiled.

I continued, making my way outside. The sun had already set, only adding to the cold that was swirling around me. The lampposts all stood tall, casting their gleams down, the luminance chasing the shadows away. Still, despite the bitterness of the shrill gale, I was excited. I was excited because I was going on my first ever date.

"Well, hello there, beautiful," a pleasantly husky voice chirped, grasping my attention.

I turned to see a stunning set of icy blue orbs and a warm smile that met them. Kellen was standing there, his tall frame dressed rather nicely. Just as I had imagined, he was wearing a well-fitted pair of dark denim jeans that hung from his hips perfectly, a white button-down dress shirt and blazer clothing his torso. His honey locks were neatly styled, a few loose strands brushing against the side of his forehead. He looked like a tall drink of water...a fine, tall drink of water.

"Wow," he gushed, his eyes widening. "You look stunning."

My face flushed as I smiled, "T-thanks. You clean up well yourself."

"Why, thank you, m'lady," he chuckled, extending his arm to me. "May I have the honor of escorting you?"

I hooped my arm through his and giggled, "Why, yes you may kind sir."

Honestly, as I walked along his side, happily inhaling the scent of his cologne, I couldn't help but think back to what Jean had said. could a gentleman like this be such a jerk? I asked myself, sneaking settle peeks up at him. He's so polite and sweet. How could he possibly be this big, evil prick? I just don't get it.


"Wow. You've come a long way just to attend MRU," Kellen gasped before cutting another piece of his steak.

We were at a rather swanky restaurant nestled in the center of Trost. The Blue Rose was its name. It was the kind of establishment that had dim lighting and cloth napkins. The kind of place you imagine couples go to for various reasons; anniversaries, proposals, maybe a birthday...but not one often thought of for a first date. Still, it was a nice place and had delicious food, as I learned while chowing on my f/f (your favorite food).

I took a bite of my meal and shrugged, "It offered a change of scenery and independence. What about you?" I brought my eyes to his. "Where are you from?"

He swallowed his steak and answered, "Here, actually. I was born and raised here." He flashed that million-dollar smile at me and beamed, "I just love it so much here that I couldn't bear to part ways with it for college."

"Oh, a local," I giggled. "So, I'm guessing you know all there is to know about this city."

"I certainly do," he chuckled. "If you're ever interested, I could show you around. I mean, there is more to this place beside MRU and the convenient store."

"You forgot the café," I joked.

He laughed, his silky voice running through my ears, the corners of his lips pulled up. He appeared so genuinely content with being there. Honestly, I was more than happy to be there as well. Usually, I spent my Friday nights in my pajamas, stuffing my face with some sugary treat while watching anime or some true crime program. Being out with was a nice change of pace and one I appreciated.

"You're right," he chortled. "MRU, Mrs. Rail's shop, and the café. There's more than just those three places."

"Well," I smirked, "you'll have to show me around sometime."

He scanned me quickly and grinned, "Consider it a date."

**Ello my lovelies! Another day, another chapter. Now, I know some of you are suspicious when it comes to Kellen. I'm not gonna give anything away, but I am interested in everyone's thoughts. What do y'all think about him? Do you think he maybe our creep or somehow associated with him? Feel free to let me know your thoughts! As always, thank you so much for everything!! Y'all are super awesome! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

P.S. Just wanted to add that they didn't walk to their location. Didn't want to bore y'all with their Uber trip lol.

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