The project

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Once I finally got dressed I was off taking Blake and myself to school I was so happy I did not take Ash to school cause we would probably get in a fight. After we got to school I ran in to Sky I mean literally I turned the corner and ran in to her saying she was bigger I fell to the floor. She ran to see if I was okay, I said I was fine and she helped me up a couple of kids around us were laughing so she glared at them and they stopped. On our way to class she said that we could met up at her house to do our project and added that Blake has a project to do with her sister so I could just go straight to her house because he had to be there any way. When we got to class and I sit in the back corner again but to my surprise Sky came and set right next me and guess what she winked at me again not even paying action to her friends trying to get her to sit by them and all I could do was smile which made her laugh. Damn it how could I do a project with her in her house if I couldn't even do my simple math worksheet after I heard that laugh, that beatiful innocent laugh.

After school I hurried to find Blake so we could leave I was so excited even though I was still so nerves, I saw it in his eyes he could sence that I was very happy curse him for knowing. When we got in the car all he did was laugh I ask him what he was laughing at but I already know it was me liking Sky what a jerk. Once we got to Sky's house I felt like I was about to puke but I still held my head high like I wasn't afraid but on the in side I was a wreck. After I knock I saw those beatiful blue eyes god she is so hot. Sky invited us in and told Blake that her sister, Zaya, was up in her room. After he went up stairs it left me and Sky she said that we were going to go old school and do a solar system I nodded in agreement which made her laugh damn it that laugh it is so mind blowing. Then we started the project.

It took us four hours to finish but when we did it looked amazing. Then SHE HUGGED ME yes she hugged me I was so happy I almost did not notice Blake and Zaya walking down the stairs smiling about Sky and me. Once Blake got to the bottom of the stairs he said "sorry to ruin your moment LA but it is time to go" I glared at him he laughed I rolled my eyes and left.

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