14. You realize I can fly and have super strength?

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   "I'm on forty-one, headed towards the south-west stairwell," Rumlow says as he pushes the door open and Sam turns the corner attacking him

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   "I'm on forty-one, headed towards the south-west stairwell," Rumlow says as he pushes the door open and Sam turns the corner attacking him. Rumlow was disoriented for a minuted before he attacked back pushing Sam to the ground. I took my turn attacking him. I land a punch in his stomach and then into his face. He lifted up a gun that had red liquid. I growl swiping my hands the gun goes flying the vial inside shatters. Rumlow losing his edge on me. Fear etched across his face as he looked back at me and I smiled smugly. He kicks my stomach causing me to fall back slightly as Sam got up and went after him. "This is gonna hurt," Rumlow taunts unzipping his vest and going after Sam. "There are no prisoners with HYDRA, just order. And order only comes through pain. You ready for yours?"

"Man shut the hell up," Sam says they both go after each other causing me to roll my eyes. They both fight one another before Rumlow throws Sam into the glass. I go after him as he jumps up onto the desk. I grab his throat choking him. He gasps as he looks at me.

"You're out of your depth, kid," My lips curl angrily.

"I'm 108, call me a kid again and I will use your intestines to strangle you," I threaten banging his head on the wall causing him to crumble unconscious. The triskelion smashes into the buildings causing us to start running to avoid being buried under rubble.

"Please, tell me you got that chopper in the air!" Sam yells

"Sam, where are you?" Natasha asks

"41st floor, north-west corner!" Sam yells the fear made me chuckle we approached the window.

"We're on it, stay where you are,"

"Not an option!" Sam yells as we lept out of the building, I caught myself in flight as Sam fell. I went to go get him but Nick and Natasha caught him. I flew and entered the chopper. "41st floor! 41st!"

"It's not like they put the floor numbers on the outside of the building!" Nick snarks and I snort.

"Hill, where's Steve? You got a location on Rogers?" Natasha asks

"You realize I can fly and have super strength?" I ask Sam who glares at me as I smile sweetly.

I accidentally published this not to long ago, so if it seems familiar that would be why.

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