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Crash 2

"So this is the place you got for me to spend six months in?", she asked as she looked around.

"Yeah, it's cozy. Right?", Her boss looked at her.

"Cozy is a word. Small is another.", she said as she put down her bags.

"Look it is cheap so the project will cover all the expense, everything is included as well.", he said as he watched her closely. "There is a laundry room it is one of those keys I gave you. Also a workout room next to it. It isn't much, but it is big enough that you will be comfortable and it was furnished already as well. It has everything you will need."

"I see. It also has the protection of half the people in the meeting today also?", she asked.

"That is an added bonus, at least for my peace of mind. I am staying with a friend for the duration but knowing that you have them nearby if something were to happen eases my mind.", He stated. She knew he often looked at her as a daughter instead of a co-worker so on this she was going to let it slide. She knew his heart was in the right place, even though she also knew she could easily take care of herself he knew that too.

"Thanks, boss.", She said as she forced a smile. She knew something was up with some of the guys she had seen. Maybe somehow she could figure that out as well.

"Here is the wifi password. See you later. Call if you need anything.", He said as he walked out and she followed him to the door to peer outside. A group of men from the meeting earlier was standing in the courtyard in between the buildings looking in her direction. It was the man she noticed earlier and a bunch of others who all seemed to be from the same team. She glanced more at them as her boss nodded and she shook her head. She turned and walked in and saw her door was her favorite number of all things. She laughed and wondered how long ago he found this place. She walked in and shut the door and began to unpack.

"SHE IS HERE!", Mitsunari nearly screamed.

"Holy crap!", Sasuke responded.

"Calm down you two.", Kenshin said. "It isn't like she is all that special. She seemed rather normal."

"She is. That's what makes her even more rare.", Sasuke stated. "She isn't pompous like most scholars."

"She makes things relatable.", Mitsunari stated. "So even normal people can understand. There is a whole series online where she discusses the origin of a particular virus, and it was easy to follow along. Even Yuki could understand it if he listened."

"You calling me stupid?", Yukimura asked.

"No just saying you're not interested in things like that, she could get you to understand.", Mitsunari countered.

"Still sounds like you are calling me stupid, nerd.", Yukimura stated as he turned to go into is place.

"Well, she is already something else.", Shingen said. "A body of a goddess, the face of an angel."

"Oh wonderful, he has started again.", Masamune said shaking his head. "I'm sure Kitten over there has heard it all before. You won't get anywhere with her."

"Wanna bet?", Shingen asked.

"Sure what do you want to bet?", Masamune asked.

"I can go out with her before you.", Shingen replied.

"I'll take it. Terms discussed later?", Masamune asked.

"Deal.", Shingen replied. The rest of the men shook their heads and went to their respective doors. She had been working when she had heard the entire conversation as she laughed behind closed doors. She knew she was always looked at that way. It was flattering to hear it though. Maybe not to the point of having a bet, but it was nice to hear regardless. She thought about the first two speakers, fans she thought. She had fans? That was weird to know, but she was coping with the idea. Maybe this place wouldn't be so bad after all.

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