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This is his side of what took event in the last chapter.


It was eleven and I was with Enid. She was telling about her family and her bloodline from way back like I cared. She was saying that the way her family had treated her made her the way she was. Her parents were heavy drug users and they abused her ever since she was a little girl. When she was old enough to move out and do her own thing she wanted revenge. So she killed her whole bloodline. But apparently one escaped from her and started a family. She wanted me to go find the family and finish where she left off, killing the rest of the bloodline. Since she was an elder she couldn't do anything like that. The one that got away already passed away since it was so long ago but I could still get the other ones.

"Thank you Christian, I greatly appreciate this. Trust me if you get this done I'll give you things no one else has access to." She shook my hand and had an evil smirk.

"Will you get my time cut down here too? Cause I wanna be with my brother." I asked. Which I didn't understand that at all cause they still want me to go do things for them.

Even though we had our differences I still loved him. He's all I got. I know Raven wants nothing to do with me since she knows I'm the one that kills her family. That's all my fault though. There's nothing I can do about it, it's not like I can stop. It's like something inside of me is making me do it. I loved the feeling of being the one to end a life.

"I'll see what I can do for you, but in the meantime start with Jeffery Valdez he lives in New York. From there you can figure out the rest. I've got to go again thank you." She said grabbing my hand slipping a piece of paper in my hand then disappearing into the dark.

Doesn't she know that in order for me to kill someone I have to go back to where my brother is? Some people really don't think. I looked at the paper and made my way back up to the address. I was outside of Raven's house. Damn, that must be her dad. Everyone was home tonight, I saw all the cars in the driveway. But Enid told me to only get Jeffery not anybody else yet.

I crept my way inside the house and heard someone in the kitchen. When I peeked my head in it was her dad, he was making a late night snack. I sneakily walked up behind him tapping him on the shoulder. For some reason when he turned around he didn't see me. So I slowly grabbed a knife and plunged it through his chest. He grabbed himself looking down gasping for air. Yeah I definitely hit a lung, he was going to die a little slowly. I took the knife out and got him another time in the stomach.

Somehow he got all his strength and climbed his way up the stairs. Once he got up he was walking towards a bedroom leaving blood all over the walls. I followed him until he passed Raven's room. So I knocked hoping she would come answer the door. But she just yelled out to come in. I opened the door but she did nothing but sat there. Then she tried getting up but fell back down. Can she not see me? I thought. She looked back up and ran towards the window but I walked away. Just then I heard her mother scream and sprinted out of the house.

There's no going back now this was just the beginning of an end. After that I know Enid is going to want me to kill the rest of them. I felt nothing but joy when I stabbed him, it's like I didn't care. Clearly I care about nothing but my brother. If anybody was to ever hurt him, I'd kill them no questions asked.

I looked down at myself and was covered in Jeffery's blood. I returned to my room at the dark castle and peeled all my clothes off of me. This shower is about to feel great. I set the water to hot and got in scrubbing myself. Suddenly my mind started to wonder to Raven. I wanted her and I wished she was here right now. I let the water run down my body and found myself getting excited. Maybe I should take care of this right now. Just as I was about to handle myself there was a knock at the door. I got out the shower not bothering to wrap a towel around me and opened the door. It was Enid.

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