Where Are We Now?

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That's when the girl with my face started to cry and she looked at me and said, "I'm sorry....I'm so sorry! This is all my fault. (y/n)...If I wasn't so weak or stupid then we wouldn't be here. If I was able to do something then we wouldn't be here....but I can do one thing.....Soul Resonance!" I felt a tingling feeling inside of me. My blood scythe went back to blood and fell to my knees. I held my head and screamed. My soul then made itself visible. The other girl mirrored my movements. She was taking the two half of the souls and putting them together. My eyes went from the bright blue back to the (eye color) they should be. Just before I black out I said, "No, please Krissy don't." Then we both fell to the ground.

I slowly opened my eyes to see a room that was all black. I walked forward in hopes of getting somewhere. The was floor under me, but I couldn't see anything. I soon saw some light and some wood floored area, that also had some (Favorite color) walls. Once I reached this area I could see that on the (f/c) walls there were pictures in frames. Once I took a closer look I saw that they weren't pictures but memories. They were memories of Krissy and I. I then looked down at my self to see that I was in a emerald green dress, that stopped at my knees. It was a strapless dress, that had white gloves that only went to my writs to match. I then had on white heels. I picked up one of my (h/c) locks and saw that it was curled along with all the others. I walked father forward and heard my heels click on the wood floor with each step I took. I stopped going forward once I heard someone crying. It sounded like Krissy. I listened a little longer. "It is Krissy! I have to find her!" I thought. I then began to run, only to find myself in an ocean of water. It was really salty. I saw Krissy's (h/c) locks bob in the water, as she went under the water. I started to swim towards her, but it was hard in this getup. It seemed like the more I swam to her the father away she became. I swam harder and faster, but nothing changed. That's when it hit me. She was swimming away from me! "K-Krissy! Please stop, let me talk to you!" Krissy cried even loader and said, "B-but I'm useless and weak! I'm never any help and you always have to save me! So if I finally combine us together then you can be super strong and never have to take care of me again!" Tears started to run down my face. At this point Krissy and I were right next to each other, without either one of us knowing it. "D-do you really feel that way? Cause it's not true! I NEED YOU KRISSY! YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE ME! NEVER EVER, EVER!" At this point lots of tears were falling down my face. Krissy had stopped crying and said, "But look. These are all of the tears I have ever shed, all I'm good for is crying." I cried harder, "THAT'S NOT TRUE! MY TEARS ARE HERE TOO!" Cried more letting my tears mix in with hers. "And you are not only good for crying, if it wasn't for you I would be evil. I would be mad, insane, and mean. I wouldn't be able to fight, because I suck at fighting on my own, and you know it. None of my ninjtsu would be that strong. A-and I wouldn't have my best friend in the whole wide world!" I couldn't stop crying at this point. Krissy looked at me and gave me a bitter sweet smile, "You would be fine without me, everyone would." I shook my head, "That's not true and you know it! What about Kid? Or Jamie? And everyone else who came to help fight? And me! I can't live without you! I-I wouldn't ever know what to do. I may be stronger than you, but you are smarter than me and you have all of the weapon transformations. I only have two, so that wouldn't help me in a fight at all." Krissy's eyes got wide and I finally stopped crying, my face was covered in snot and tears. She then began to laugh, "Y-you know something? R-right now you look like a three year old!" I looked at her and went under water to clean my face with our tears. When I came back up she was done laughing. "Did you really mean everything that you said?" I smiled at her. "Yes, I would never lie to you. I love you to much to ever lie." She giggled and said, "But I don't think that's a thing." I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Well it is now." We both started laughing.

I'm The Biggest Star Here! ~completed~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant