Chapter 5: Truth Or Dare?

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Later that day...

Flameslinger invited Spyro and Stealth Elf over for a game of Truth Or Dare.

Flameslinger: Spyro. Truth Or Dare?

Spyro: Dare.

Flameslinger: I dare you to kiss Stealth Elf on the cheek.

Spyro and Stealth Elf both blushed.

Spyro: S-seriously?

Flameslinger: I thought you were Spyro The Dragon, not Spyro The Chicken.

Spyro: F-fine.

He softly kissed Stealth Elf on the cheek.

Stealth Elf: Wow...that felt nice.

Spyro: Elf. Truth Or Dare?

Stealth Elf: Truth.

Spyro: Am I cool?

Stealth Elf: Well yeah, I guess.

Spyro blushed brightly.

Stealth Elf: Flame. Truth Or Dare?

Flameslinger: Truth.

Stealth Elf: Who do you like more. Spyro, or me?

Flameslinger: You're both just as cool as each other. So neither.

Spyro: Oh. Thanks.

Flameslinger: No problem. Well. I guess Game Over.

Spyro: But we just started.

Flameslinger: You really want me to embarass you two more?

Stealth Elf: Nope nope nope nope nope.

Flameslinger: Then Game Over.

Elf and Spyro both left.

Spyro X Stealth Elf.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora