Chapter 1: Divided We Fall.

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On the ride home. Spyro woke up.

Spyro: Hnnn...Elfy? What happened?

Stealth Elf: were knocked out...I thought you died...

Spyro looked down.

Spyro: Sorry for worrying you...

Stealth Elf: my rage I knocked down Kaos...and then...and then...

Spyro: And then what...?

Her face saddened.

Stealth Elf: I ripped his left arm off...I tried to kill him...but Jet-Vac stopped me...

Spyro: Oh...

He looked to the side.

Spyro: If...if I saw you hurt like that...I...I would do the same...

She tried to smile at the fact that Spyro cared deeply for her, but couldn't.

They got back to the Academy. And then...well, just see for yourself.

Jet-Vac: That was very irresponsable, Elf!

Stealth Elf: I know...I'm sorry...

Jet-Vac: I don't want to watch you become a killer, Elf. And that's why today, you're days of being a Skylander are over.

Spyro was infuriated and stepped infront of Jet-Vac.

Spyro: How about you go fuck yourself?

Jet-Vac: You don't get to decide who is a Skylander and who isn't, Spyro.

Spyro responded by growling at him.

Jet-Vac: Spyro...I know I may be infuriating you...but can we just discuss this like normal-

He was cut off by Spyro hitting him into a wall.

Spyro: How about you leave the Skylanders?! I don't need you, and they don't need you! You're not helping me! You're not helping Stealth Elf!! YOU'RE NOT HELPING ANYBODY, YOU FUCKER!!!!!!!!

Cy: Spyro! That's enough!

He looked at Cy and back at Jet-Vac as he flew to his room.

Eruptor: Jesus.

A few minutes later, he returned with his stuff.

Jet-Vac: Spyro, why are you-

Spyro: If Elf has to leave the Skylanders, then I'll leave with her.

She came into the room with her stuff.

Stealth Elf: I was hoping you'd say that.

They walked outside the Academy, and waved goodbye as they left.

Stealth Elf: Spyro?

Spyro: Yeah?

Stealth Elf: Now that we're...well homeless...what do we do?

Spyro: We find a small village or something. Someplace nice.

Stealth Elf: That sounds like a great idea.

They both smiled as they searched for a village.

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