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The weather was perfect. For London to see such beaming sunlight and chirping birds was a rare sight.  Everyone seemed in an uplifted mood as they walked to their workplace or to their colleges. Niall was probably the only one in this wide mass of happy people who looked completely drained of life. The negativity was radiating off of him as passerby's shot him a look. 

It had been three weeks, 21 whole days since Zayn had left. Niall had made all possible attempts for at least half of those days to get Zayn to understand his situation. Texts had been sent promising that he would improve his performance but the solution had not yet been found. What was a person supposed to do in such moments? How can you suddenly enjoy sex and become a master at performing it? Niall often felt that something was wrong with him. It wasn't that he didn't like the idea of sex or enjoyed watching the countless porn videos. He loved them and he wanted to perform them as well. He wished to ride Zayn's dick to oblivion but alas, he just couldn't do it that well. 

When he and Zayn had shagged for the first time, it was awkward once Zayn had inserted it inside. The bald man had guessed that the reason behind it was because it was their first time together. It's normal to not have a chemistry when you're new to each other's body and it's sensitive spots. But when they had done it again and that spark was missing, Zayn had flipped. Niall knew what he must have been thinking. He knew that for a person like Zayn who had much more experience up his sleeve when it came to sex, it would be impossible to not be having some wild and passionate love making every other day. 

Niall huffed, ruffing his brunette hair as he sipped on his coffee. He was wearing a light turtleneck sweater with black skinny fit jeans, his hair was messy, the blonde hair dye had been washed off replaced by his natural colour and he hated it but didn't have the energy to dye it again. He grumbled silently to himself as he reached the doors to his workplace. While he was still a university student, he had managed to get himself hired as a freelance worker at this rather high tech company. His work in interior designing and graphics had gotten him this far that he was getting paid by the hour and earning a more than the decent sum for a college going student. 

This was going to be his last day at work. He had submitted all the designs possible and even helped in a few more. All he was required to do was make some final edits and then attend the so-called goodbye party that was being thrown for him. Over the time of his work, he had managed to make friends with most of the staff. So when he walked in looking dishevelled and completely out of it, the receptionist, Lindsey quickly noticed his mood and passed him the designs he had to make edits in. 

"Everything alright?" she asked rather quietly, this being the first time she had seen the Irishman looking so miserable. During the month that he had worked here, frequenting the office on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, he had always been a happy soul. But today, Niall looked as if he had travelled through hell. 

"Yeah, everything is fine," Niall sighed, giving the girl a soft smile before walking up the stairs to the office. He didn't prefer the elevators until and unless the floor he had to reach was way out of his fitness level. The stairs gave him enough time to go over the drafts once again. He just had to make a few changes and then he would receive the payment, after which all he had to do was sit through a party he didn't want to attend at all. He tried to subdue his negative emotions. How could he let a guy he had merely dated for two months ruin his mood like this? 

Love was truly pathetic. 

Once he had reached the third floor, he quickly proceeded towards his space. It wasn't an office since he was a temporary worker but he had a comfortable table and desk, littered with items that he was going to need to succeed in his task. Throwing all thoughts of Zayn out of the window, he allowed himself to finally concentrate on the task at hand. 

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