"Uhm... Can I just say one thing?"

"what?" he retorted.

"Can't I just use my already existing underwear? Its just that... I... "

"don't tell me you dont have enough money? "

"Ugh... Yeah" I answered.

"I'll just pay for it"

"oh, okay then... Th--thanks." I said thanking him wholeheartedly.

"yeah" He said as he flashed me a smile.
Making his godly handsomeness exceed its highest level. Thats when my heart started to pound uncontrollably, it felt suffocating and uncomfortable but in the end, all my heart felt was happiness and something more that I just can't point out.

I ran straight to the staff's rest room. While I was removing my bloody pants I just cannot help thinking of the man... Well not actually a man but also not that young. I think he's 2 to three years older than me... That boy just have this coldness surrounding him but he shows himself like his kindhearted. And to his every smile was a hint of playfulness behind it. But I'm sure that the smile he has given me was the purest and the truth of him. The smile that breaks the ice that surrounds him. Maybe its because I thanked him...

My daydreaming was quickly disturbed by a knock at the door. I slightly opened the door and peeped outside.

"Here." he said shortly as he handed me the underwear and his clothes.

I received the items and stared at them... It seems that I do not know how to use such things as sanitary pads.

"uhm... Mr!" I called him remembering that I dont know his name.

"what?" he asked.

"I... I... I don't... "

"don't tell me you dont know how to use them." he said cutting my next word, eyeing me with a 'dont you dare' look.

"ugh. Yes, I dont know how to use them... " I answered almost rapping and gave him a 'dont hit me!' look.

"...and do you expect me to know? "

"..." I was speechless, I really didnt thought about this...

"..."he stared at me like he was losing his patience.  "then why dont you just search it. "

"..." I didnt speak.

"What? Don't tell me you didn't bring a phone."

"ugh.... I didn't." i quickly said.

This time he didn't speak. He quickly picked his phone and tapped on the screen, his eyebrows all furrowed.... How I wish I can touch them and make them at ease... What?

what's happening to me?

"...then you just stick the pad on your panties. Did you understand?" He asked while he eyed me. Being me, I was in my personal world, lost in my thought,  that caused me not to hear anything he said.


"ugh! Give it to me." the boy said, voice rising higher, as a man like him it is very unusual to see him react like this which made me feel so special, even though Its specially annoying at least Im still special... And this thought made me involuntary smile.

"watch, LITTLE KID." he said as he demonstrated the thing to do and started to simply stick the pad on the panties. Honestly, I never thought that a man would be the one teaching me this... WOW.

In the end, I ended up wearing his pants and his shirt. It seems that he noticed that my shirt was also stained with blood so he automatically gave one to me. I also ended up getting sent home by him, he said it was too late at night for a 'little kid' to walk home all alone specially at night. I asked him why he's closing the 24/7 convenience store so early and he said that the night shift employee would not be coming.

After walking for five minutes we finally arrived in a very plain and old house. Its little gate was already rusting and the house was made by wood that is already rotting, the paint was also peeling out. You wouldn't know that this is an active house if there's no light coming from it.

"It looks like my sister's home. Why don't you join us to have dinner...  Though its already pretty late... " I invited him although he would probably not agree. Seeing my home, he must be disappointed. So I only asked him as formalities. I didn't even expect him to agree.


...but he did. Wow... He's curious I guess. I was very nervous and scared, that this man will probably turn away and looked down on me but in the corner of my heart is a feeling jumping with joy because I would be able to spend my birthday with him. Even if this could be the last time...

What am I actually thinking? Am I crazy?! I only met him today!  When did I become so dramatic?! Aish! Lets just go!

We walked in the house,  having trouble with the rusty gate, but after that there was not much trouble entering the house. As expected I saw my sister sitting on the old sofa, probably programming again in her old computer. My little sister was truly very talented.

"welcome home." she said as soon as she noticed me. She was always like this, always so busy yet not failing on noticing me in any minute. I really love my sister.

"But i haven't said 'I'm home' yet!" I happily protested. 

She only gave me a little laugh and started on programming again. 

"Please do sit down and feel at home." I told the man who was standing behind me. "I'm just going to make dinner."  I told him.

The man sat on the fairly old sofa in front of my sister. He awkwardly greeted her with a 'hi' and my sister answered him with a 'hmm'. My sister mysteriously stopped her programming, which is really rare then said...

"I'm Akira, what's your name?" she asked making me feel nervous... Is my never talking sister interested with the man I just brouht home?

"I'm Killu Hellian you can call me Kil."

"Hahahaha"bursted out laughing, wich is really rare... And weird... Why is she laughing?

My little sister stared at me noticing that both of the other people in the house was utterly confused. "Aish.  Sis why don't you introduce yourself?"

"im Akilla Hikaru, you can call me... Ah!---

Kil!!! We're both Kil!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2019 ⏰

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