A Letter from Drummond

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Please listen carefully, pay no lack of heed. I tell you this once for those impatient. Five times for the needy or desperate and ten...

Ten for the unbelievers. I, Lord Drummond did not die that day.

Let us go back to the scene of the crime, ten figures walk out of Parliament House. Heads held high with pride. One lurking in the distance, a glooming shadow of a man. Smelling of rust and ale with a gun clasped in his hands.

As the prime minister chatted with the enchanting Drummond, or so I say myself. The gun is fired. A bullet sent spinning through the air.

Now a normal man who had a bullet spiralling straight towards them would go with their fist impulse. Save the prime minister, flee or simply stand there like a stuck pig. Alas I was an educated man, as well as being a political member, and so I measured everything perfectly.

There were three things that bustled through my head at that moment. The first was, of course, to save the prime minister and my good friend Mr. Roberts. The second was that when outstretching my hand to save the minister I should angle my body gallantly to one side.

Who can shoot from that angle? A royal, yes. A man of the educated class, probably. But a farmer? A man who knows only how or kill the livestock that roams his lands but not a human...

The chances were slim.

The bullet hit, there was no stopping that. It embedded itself in my side and there was blood. I fell, my body hitting the floor. There was blood and there was pain. Pain that ran rivers through my body. Robert crouching over me, his sinewy figure the only thing my bleary eyes could see. And still the bullet had only hit me on the left side of my body, not the centre. Not my heart. I knew that if I lay on the cobbled floor, stained with my blood, the right way...

If I controlled my breaths and made them just short enough...

Then I, Edward Drummond, would not die that day. I did not know how long I would live, mere seconds, days, hours. But I would not die that day.

so Drummond doesn't die straight away but how affective is the shot and how long does he have to live?
pretty proud of this chapter and in the next chapter Alfred will appear. My two almonds together ahdfgdjf. I'm hoping to update this story very shortly.
Thank you for reading it, I would be very happy if you left a comment. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you and bye UwU

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