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" woah " yerin screamed as someone pulled her away after she stepped out of the school gate .

fortunately it was renjun . he dragged her to somewhere she's never been before .

a forest .

what is this place ? it looks scary . she pulled his hand away and renjun turned around .

" why aren't you coming ? "

" It's scary " renjun then pulled her hand and dragged her though she whined , saying that she didn't want to go .

but this scary forest wasn't all . It has a river and a bridge over it .

there were even flowers around . more pink in particular . he turned around and gave her a wide smile .

" it's nice , isn't it ? " yerin nodded , still speechless .

" I come here whenever I have problems that I want to rant about . it seems like someone is listening to me and I feel comforted " she raised my left brow .

" you have problems ? you don't look like you do . you're always so happy in school and even I feel envious " she then sighed . looks like everybody has an unknown problem to themselves .

[✔️] colourful ; huang renjunजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें