"It's okay." The smile on Niall's face seemed to have magnify as he glanced out the small window. A small one crept its way onto my face as I took in how excited he was to be back on home land.

I have to admit that although I was still irritated with Niall about the whole friends with benefits thing, I'm glad I was able to do this. To have this opportunity. I don't know why he was so eager to make plans right away, but hey, I'll take it.

After we had grabbed our bags from the overhead department, made our way down the isle, and finally got through the terminal we began our search for the luggage pick up. It didn't take us much longer than a half hour to get all of our things before we were ushered to the rental car place.

"It should be under Horan? I called yesterday." Niall told the older woman who quickly flipped through a giant folder of papers. It's weird that it was morning here before it was even night back home. It feels weird saying yesterday when for me, it was just earlier today..

"Ahh, right here. I just need the last four digits of your social security number to receive your tags and you'll be all set." She smiled nicely at us, glancing down to where Niall's hand was placed on my lower back.

"6-2-4-0" He recited quietly as she typed in into the computer. Her smile grew instantly, and within mere minutes, the keys to a black, Audi R8 were caressed in Niall's palm. "Thank you very much." He smiled, as did I.

"Niall." He glanced to me, a smirk on his face as we climbed into the all too expensive car. "This is.. too much. How can you even afford this?"

"I have my ways, Khloe. I told you that. I have a way for everything. I get everything that I want." He smiled, starting the vehicle. I rolled my eyes and sat down in the front seat after shutting the trunk.

I didn't reply, but instead sunk back into the rather comfortable seat, curling my feet under me, Indian style, and closed my eyes as we pulled out of the parking garage.

Now, an hour drive and a nap on the way and we shall be set.


"Khloe. Khloe, we're here." I slowly peeled my eyes open, trying to take caution as the sun's bright rays forced its way into my vision. I squinted, staring up at Niall. "Morning, sunshine." He smiled and helped me out of the car.

An instant chill shattered my bones, causing me to instantly snuggle into Niall. He was taken by surprise, but none the less, wrapped his as around me. It's so much colder than I expected... actually, I'm not really sure what I was expecting.

"Sorry, it's cold." I mumbled into his chest, although I'm not too sure if he could make anything out of it.

"I know.", He stated, his accent sounding much more thicker by the second. I stared up at him, a surprised look on my face, but he didn't seem fazed. "Okay, my sister may be up, but I don't know, so still try to be quiet." I nodded and followed him up the path to the small cobblestone house.

It was so beautiful here. Everything has this appealing shade of green to it. Annie's house sits on a small lake, with not much society around. You can see the faint outline of the forests in the distant and the small mountains.

It just seems so simple and just... beautiful.

Niall lead me through a small hallway of the house, stopping to take our shoes off at the entrance. We walked into a small kitchen, noticing every light was off.

"She's still sleeping." He started to walk into a small living room and up a set of old wooden stairs. "Follow me. We'll just rest up, then."

I nodded and carefully followed him, cringing as the steps creaked. We walked down another narrow hallway, finally leading to a door. There were three on the left side, and one on the right.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now