Chapter 2 - Michael

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Chapter 2

Me: How the fuck am I supposed to find someone who's is 'In love with me in what? 10 days?
Luke: You can't even make a girl fall in love with you in a year so yeah you're doomed.

I was seeing my grandparents in 10 days and they expected me to bring a girl who is in love with me to the dinner. How am I going to do that? I don't want to let them down! I've done that enough in the past.

Me: Shut up! I can make any girl in this school fall in love with me, I just don't want to use them. That's wrong.
Calum: Dude you couldn't care less about that. You've done it plenty of times before.

He's right. I haven't been the best guy in the past, but I'm really trying to change that which isn't that easy when your friends constantly remind you. I really want to be the best version of me.

Me: I know what I did in my past guys! But I changed!
Ashton: She doesn't have to know. You can actually date her.
Me: What do you mean?
Ashton: Well you said you could make any girls in this school fall in love with you so I say let's make a bet. We choose a girl and you have to make her fall in love with you in 10 days. But she doesn't have to find out. You can be together for real and be all lovey-dovey.
Me: You can't make someone fall in love with you in 10 days?! That's impossible!
Luke: Alright, that's true but you have to be in a relationship and she has to really really like you. Oh and we are not going to decide that she really likes you but your grandparents are. So what do you say.

Instead of answering straight away, I grabbed my books out of my locker and slammed it shut. This didn't sound appealing at all but knowing how persuasive they can be, I decided to make it easier for then but also for myself by just giving in.

Me: Okay.
Calum: Seriously?
Me: Yeah but euh what's the price and who's going to be the lucky girl?
Ashton: If you win this then we'll each give you let's say $100 but if you lose you'll have to give each of us $100. As for the girl-
Luke: Elaine.

Luke cut him of and I immediately wanted to kill him. It's impossible to date Elaine. No one has ever dated her even though every guy would die for it.

Me: No. First of all the money? That's not fair! As for Elaine, that's not going to happen. Any girl but her.
Luke: You said any girl in this school so yeah, your words buddy. And you don't have to worry, you were so sure that you could do this so proof it big boy.

He was leaning against my locker, looking right at the girls I was, hopefully, going to date. The smirk on his face wasn't helping my rage either. I wanted to punch him. Luke can be dick and usually I'm used to his comments and moves. But this? No I didn't think he was like that at all. But I wasn't going to give up already. Instead I looked him straight in the eyes before walking towards her.

Elaine: Hallo?
Me: Hi! I'm Michael but you can call me Mikey.
Elaine: I know who you are Michael.
Me: Oh well, can I talk to you?
Elaine: Euh Sure.

I always looked confident and comfortable while talking to a girl when in reality, I was freaking out. Definitely with a girl like Elaine. Her long blond hair and those big blue-green eyes made every guy melt.

Me: Alright so I'm going to make this quick. I want you to go on a date with me, tonight.

She looked astonished before bursting out in laughter. Okay this is not going to work. Why did Luke have to choose Elaine?

Elaine: What made you think that I would go out on a date with you?
Me: Come on Elaine! Live a little! It'll be a nice date I swear, I'll be a gentleman. Come on! One date Isn't going to kill you.

I was about to continue by giving her reason why she should go out on a date with me but she interrupted me.

Elaine: Okay
Me: Wait are you serious?
Elaine: Yeah but you better make this amazing Clifford. I have high expectations.

She giggled and I smiled. I'm going to be honest, I've had a crush on her since forever but I never had the guts to ask her out on a date. Mainly because every other guy that had ever asked always got rejected and I wasn't up for that.

Me: I promise you, it'll be perfect.

We exchanged numbers before I made my way back to the boys, who were still leaning against my locker but not forgetting to send her a cheeky wink on the way.

Calum: What the fuck was that?
Me: I have a date... tonight.
A smirk appeared on my face when their jaws dropped.
Luke: What? How? No. That's not possible!
Me: Oh but it is. Now I just need to make sure that this date is going to be perfect.
Ashton: What are you planning on doing?

I shrugged in response and frowned. I had absolutely no idea what we could do or where we could go. I didn't want to go to the movies or have dinner with her because that was too mainstream and normal. She wanted it to be amazing and that's exactly what I'm planning on doing. This date has to be special and fun but most of all perfect.

We made our way towards our first class, still deep in thoughts. Or at least I was still in thoughts. I sat down in my usual seat ready for a whole day of listening to things I didn't care about. I was staring out of the window, lost in my own world until Ashton interrupted my thoughts.

Ashton: Mikey! I think I have the perfect idea for your date.
Me: Alright tell me.

He leaned in to whisper his oh so great idea in my ear and a smirk appeared on my face. This was going to be perfect.

How To Loose A Guy In 10 Days - Michael Clifford AU *On Hold*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz