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I deserved so much better, yet all I wanted was you.

A part of me still does. But that part doesn't matter.

You played me. I knew you were going to, but I let you. I thought I could change you. But we can't change people, can we? They have to change themselves. And I wasn't worth enough to you for you to change.

I deserve an apology that I'm never going to get. I can accept that. Because that just proves to me even more that I'm too good for you.

You hurt me, but I can forgive you because I know you're hurting too. That's not an excuse for your actions though. You're not hurting because of me. What you did isn't okay, and it won't even be.

But they say that forgiveness is one of the first steps of moving on. And I'm leaving your sorry ass behind me. So I'm forgiving you and letting go. It's taken me long enough.

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