co-actor | kristsingto

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"Shit. He's hot." Krist spoke and froze as Singto stopped his movements to gaze upon him. "What?" Krist cleared his throat.

"You do realize, sir, that you said that aloud, right?" Singto questioned.

He watched with a smirk as Krist's face turned a deep shade of pink.

"I am so sorry." Krist quickly apologized.

Singto chuckled at the male and shrugged, dismissing it as he continued his search for his keys of which he could not find.

"Shit. Where are my keys?" he mumbled to himself as he searched under his TV across from Krist.

The younger glanced over on the couch at a pair of keys on a key ring he'd seen earlier and grabbed them, holding them up in front of him. "These keys?"

Singto turned on his heels and glanced into Krist's chocolate brown eyes before his gaze turned toward the keys Krist held. "There they are! Thank you!"

He leaned forward and carefully grabbed them from Krist's grasp as the silver ring they hung on was around his finger.

"Let's get going!"

He rushed to the front door as Krist walked up right beside him as they both put their shoes on and walked out the door.

Singto unlocked his black BMW and they both entered the vehicle, sitting in the warm vehicle while waiting a few seconds for the AC to cool the steering wheel off a little before grabbing it.

"You said your name was Singto, right?" Krist questioned while he kept his gaze out the car window.

Singto took a quick glance at Krist. "Correct."

Krist nodded and everything got mostly silent afterward, the radio very quiet in the background.


"We have arrived." Singto announced and pushed the button to turn off the engine.

The both of them got out of the vehicle and headed toward the building.

"So..." Krist started as the walked along a short sidewalk. "Are you training to be a singer, actor, back up dancer, or some kind of drummer or guitarist..?" He glanced at Singto. "I am planning on acting."

Krist opened the glass door and motioned Singto in. The other smiled in a polite gesture.

"That is what I am training for. I usually audition for gay dramas though.. So.." Singto confessed, scratching his nape awkwardly as an awkward silence overcome the two of then.

But, Krist just smiled at Singto.

"Well, I hope you get a spot in a movie or series, Singto." Krist spoke finally. "I look forward to watching it. See how good of an actor you are." Krist smirked teasingly.

Singto thanked him and stopped at the front desk. "Hey, Leslie."

The black-haired female at the front desk looked up, her bright blue eyes glanced at the two as she smiled. "Hi, Singto! How can I help you two?"

"Krist is here to check in for the first time and have his tour of the building. I figured I'd bring him to the front desk before I head up and talk Jane's ear off for a bit."

Leslie giggled and nodded. "You go ahead. I'll have someone give him a tour while you talk to Jane."

"Thanks, Les!" Singto thanked as he started to walk toward the elevators. He waved at the both of them before disappearing behind the elevator doors.


"Jane!" Singto shouted as he stepped foot from the elevator. He walked not far away and swung Jane's office door open, causing the unexpecting male to jump in surprise and look at Singto with wide eyes.

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