How They Met

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Akari was laying in a hospital bed she was shackled with black rusty belts, she was covered in blood but she doesn't remember what happened to make her look like this. Skipper walks in to talk to her.

Skipper : We finally have you.

Akari : What are you talking about... And what am I doing here!?

Skipper : You attacked all the animals in the Central Park Zoo and you where successful, someone had to stop you from causing more mayhem and destruction so I shot you with a tranquilizer dart, now you will be locked up here until we find a place to keep you from hurting other people.

Akari : *rips a shackle open* I will get you for this!

Skipper : Why, because your rain of terror is finally over? Kowalski put her in the lab we need to hide her form everyone else.

Kowalski : I I skipper *presses a button to release a tank over her and pushes the tank in the lab and releases her shackles.*

Akari : *Punches the tank*

Kowalski : Don't be like that, soon you will be with your one kind in a mental hospital.

Akari : How about you shut your beak before I rip your vocal cords out.

Kowalski : *Closes the door*

Skipper : Now who wants snow cones!

Private and Rico : YAHHHHH! SNOW CONES!

Kowalski : But Skipper should we really keep Akari unattended?

Skipper : Yeah why not she's not going anywhere.

*The penguins leave to go get some snow cones.*

Akari : *Trying to find a way out* This is hopeless this tank is sealed shut! *sits on the bottom of her tank.*

*A lobster sneaks in and goes into the lab and sees Akaris tank.*

Red 1 : Oh hey Dr. Blowhole, what are you doing here?

Akari : I'm not Dr. Blowhole... I'm Akari!

Red 1 : Oh.. Sorry.. You kinda look like him but you have bandages.

Akari : Whos Dr. Blowhole?

Red 1 : He's a dolphin with a laser eye, Skippers arch enemy and my boss.

Akari : He's your boss?

Red 1 : Yeah I work for him. If you want to work for him too I can take you to him.

Akari : Yes! Get me out!

*Red 1 opens the tank and let's her out and Akari grabs her hoverboard so she can move around*

Red 1 : Wow that's pretty cool! did you build that?

Akari : Yeah I have a way with machines.

Red 1 : I can already tell that Dr. Blowhole is gunna like you. *Gets on her hoverboard with her*

*Akari and Red 1 are off to Dr. Blowholes evil liar*

Akari : So where is his lair?

Red 1 : He should be here in a few minutes... Huh.... maybe he's running late?

Akari : I'm nervous.....

Red 1 : Don't worry as long as you agree with him to everything he says, you're bound to be on his good side.

*The evil liar arrives at the dock*

Akari : *Heart is pounding*

*The evil liar door opens and Red one goes inside*

Red 1 : Come on Akari!

*Akari fallows*

*Red 1 and Akari go to the control room*

Red 1 : Dr. Blowhole I have a new recruit for you.

*Dr. Blowhole is facing the other way*

Dr. Blowhole : No I don't want anymore recruits! This place is already crowded as it is!

Red 1 : Turn around and look at her I'm sure you'll change your mind.

Dr. Blowhole : *Grrr* Fine!

*Dr. Blowhole looks down because he thought she was going to be another lobster, but instead he saw a female dolphin who was vary injured*

Dr. Blowhole : *In shock* Your... A... Dolphin?

Akari : *In Shock and thinks "Holy shit he's hot!!!"* *Blushes*

Dr. Blowhole : *Puts his flipper up against her face* If you dont mind me asking, what happened to the other half of your face and arm my dear?

Akari : Its a long story...

Dr. Blowhole : Is there a shorter version to it?

Akari : Well... I could try to explain it. Let's just say a penguin through hydrochloric acid at me and it got my face and arm.

Dr. Blowhole : Oh..Wow... that sounds painful... that sounds worse than my incident.

Akari : What happened with you?

Dr. Blowhole : I had four Penguins hold on to a rope then I put the rope in my mouth Then I jumped through a hoop that was on fire, one of the penguins messed me up and I got hit in the face with fire.

Akari : It sounds like you were a performer.

Dr. Blowhole : I was.

Red 1 : So... Is she hired?

Dr. Blowhole : Of course she's hired! I just have some paper work to put away we can talk more later.

*Akari and Red 1 go in the hall way*

Red 1 : See I told you he would like you, in fact I think he more than likes you.

Akari : Yeah... He's kinda hot... *blushes*

Red 1 : Wait... You think he's hot?

Akari : Oh you heard that?

Red 1 : Yep

Akari : *grabs him and pushes him against the wall* You tell him and I'll end up burning you and eating your flesh!!!

Red 1 : *Scared* Understood..

Akari : *let's him go* good!

The Penguins of Madagascar Dr. BlowholeWhere stories live. Discover now