The untrustworthy rats

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Dr. Blowhole - We have more weapons, armor and ammo being shipped right now, we need to have a team of spys to pick up the shipment. We can't be spotted in that specific area.

Akari - That's a good idea as long as there a trustworthy spy group we can't risk our shipment being stolen.

Dr. Blowhole - Don't worry my dear everything is going to be fine, you worry to much. *nuzzles her*

Akari - Well sometimes worry is a good feeling to have when something bad is going to happen and my feelings have never been wrong. Like when I first met you~ *Puts her flippers on his chest and rest her head on his chest*

Dr. Blowhole - Now's not the time for romance my dear, we have serious matters to attend to. *Puts his flippers on her hips and smerks*

Akari - Alright boss~ *Goes back in the water and moves her hips side to side seductively wile heading onto the water.*

Dr. Blowhole - I love that women~

Red #1 - Hey boss the shipment has arrived.

Dr. Blowhole - Excellent, Now I need to find a good group of spys to get the shipment.

Red #2 - What about us?

Dr. Blowhole - No, I need someone who can carry heavy mechanics it's a big shipment that we ordered.

Red #9 - I might know a team!

Dr. Blowhole - Good who are they?

Red #9 - The rats and all I'm going to say is that they're great at their job and you won't regret it boss.

Dr. Blowhole - I better not regret it because if I do then me and Akari will have a murder-Spree with all of you! So don't disappoint me!

Red #9 - Don't worry boss just leave it to me.

*Dr. Blowhole leaves the room*

Parker - Why can't I just go and get the shipment?...

Akari - Because you work for money you sleaze bag...

*Dr. Blowhole comes in*

Dr. Blowhole - We'll we have our spys..

Akari - Babe I told you before I would have no problem doing it.

Dr. Blowhole - I know darling but you've done so much already, now go relax your pretty face. *strokes her cheek*

Akari - But darling who are the spys?

Dr. Blowhole - Akari... Go... Relax..

Red 9 - Boss, there on there way to get the shippment.

Dr. Blowhole - And soon we'll have enough equipment to attack the penguins! (Evil laugh)

(That night)

Dr. Blowhole - Akari our shippment is on its way

Akari - Who's sending it?

Dr. Blowhole - Red 9 told me the rats.

Akari - The.... Rats?..... The rats.... What the fuck?...

Dr. Blowhole - D- darling? Don't be mad just calm down alright?

Akari - What? how can I not!? There's thieves! We'll lose everything...

Red 9 - Hey Doc... Um the shippment went missing...

Akari - *Dr. Blowhole and red 9 can see the blood anger rage in her eye* Blowie.... Permission to rip red 9 apart....

Dr. Blowhole - Go nuts my love...

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