15. No, no, we won't go!

Start from the beginning

"Or...You do as we say and I take one of you back to London with me whether you like it or not." Caitlin said, knowing deep in her heart, that she and Barry lost the battle.


"And what am I supposed to do for three days? Sit home and knit?"

Iris yanked off her sunglasses as she heard a plane fly overhead and watched as Barry, Felicity and Oliver packed a jeep with bags and other items. Oliver and Felicity decided not to go but were still helping pack the jeep.

"Honey, we're kinda in a sticky situation." Barry tried to explain as Iris' eyes widened to popping point as the words ran through her head.

"Sticky situation?!" she repeated as Caitlin and Cisco approached the two. Caitlin was in a normal white tee shirt, with dark denim overalls that had one clip done and one not and were rolled around her ankles, with hiking boots while Cisco was wearing a white tank top, khaki shorts and hiking boots and Iris was wearing another ill-coloured dress.

"Excuse me, what is she doing here?" Iris snapped quietly as she looked at Caitlin who was carrying a backpack and ignoring her.

"See that's the part of the deal, the five of us, we go together." Barry smiled sheepishly, jamming his hands into his pockets. Cisco chuckled and shoved his own backpack into the car and got in.

"What are you suddenly the Brady Bunch? This is ridic—" Iris cried out.

"Hello," Caitlin greeted her cheerily, "Are you alright?"

"Well, no, as a matter of fact, it isn't alright. I didn't realise you were going on this little outing and to tell you the truth, I'm not so sure I am okay with it." Iris said, not daring to look at Caitlin.

"I agree. The ex-wife in the next sleeping bag is a little weird." Caitlin nodded.

"Thank you," her rival smiled but was stopped cold when Caitlin said,

"I absolutely insist that you come with us."

Both Barry and Iris and even Cisco gave her incredulous looks.

"Caitlin..." Barry said with chuckle, knowing that whatever Caitlin was planning – it won't really end up well.

"No, honestly, Barry I've messed up your entire week and this is the least I could do, really, please." Caitlin said with her puppy dog look that Iris didn't notice. But Felicity and Oliver did, and they snickered to themselves as they continued packing.

A little while later, Barry was strapping another set of bags as Iris came out wearing tight black work-out gear. She haughtily walked to the jeep calculating ever step to show Caitlin what 'sexy' really meant.

"Dad, what's Iris doing here?" Nora asked with a scowl when she saw her approach the car.

"Your mother...invited her." Barry explained exasperatedly.

"what?!" Jocelyn cried out and scowled too, just like her twin.

"Be," Barry looked at Jocelyn, "Nice," he said and looked at Nora before climbing in the front seat of the jeep.

The twins exchanged looks and an eye roll as Nora sighed and climbed into the car.

"Okay, all set? Have fun everyone." Caitlin said with a smile as Barry and the twins looked at her shocked, Iris smiled smugly and Felicity and Oliver, who was stood beside her with, also looked shocked. Cisco wasn't surprised. He knew his friend so well.

"Cait, what're you doing?" Barry asked, knowing that somewhere, a plan was brewing in his ex-wife's head. Although he conniving ways were a big part of why he fell in love with her.

"I really think you and Iris need some time alone before the big day," she explained.

"Mom. Come on, that's not the plan." Jocelyn protested from the backseat, her eyes expressing the panic she was feeling deep down in her stomach.

"Honestly, you'll have much more fun without me." Caitlin smiled and Iris suddenly felt all panicky – much like Jocelyn, while Nora was just plain angry.

"Look, if you're not going, I don't have to go. Trust me, I'm not exactly a big nature girl," she said with a high pitched nervous laugh.

"But this'll be your chance to really get to know the girls, starting next week, they're half yours." Caitlin said sweetly and smiled at Iris who could only smile back as Cisco snorted in the backseat, as well as Felicity who was stood beside Caitlin, Oliver had gone inside. Barry gave Caitlin a mysterious grin as the twins sighed and sat down in their seats.

"Have fun all of you!" Caitlin called out to the jeep as Felicity turned to Caitlin.

"Oh, I would pay big money to see that woman climb a mountain," she said and shook her head as Caitlin laughed besides her.

"So, you and Oliver, huh? When did that happen? I saw the ring." Caitlin teased as she threw her arm around her and the two went back inside the house.

Felicity blushed as a huge smile graced her lips. "Yeah, he's amazing. We got together not long after you left and then we got married a few years later." She smiled, thinking of her husband.

Caitlin studied Felicity's face closely, noticing the look in her eyes, the smile that wouldn't leave her lips and the glow that radiated off her when she talked about her and Oliver. She slowly grinned. "You look really happy."

Felicity's smile widened more, if possible, and she said, "Yeah, I'm really am, he's amazing and I really love him." She breathed out with a giddy smile.

"I'm really happy for you, you definitely deserve happiness." Caitlin said, sitting in one of the lounge chairs in the living room.

Felicity smiled as she sat down on the lounge chair next to Caitlin, "Thanks Cait, I hope you get this happiness too some day."

Caitlin smiled, thinking of her ex-husband, but quickly shook that thought away. "Hopefully."

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