She's a mudblood?! (part 2)

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Blaise's POV

I hope Draco isn't gonna say something bad about muggle-borns in front of her... you see she and her sister made a deal that no one is gonna say her last name, because Granger didn't want Draco to bully her or something like that. 


After eating we went to classes, boring as usual, but we lived and that's good. We had a break at lunch and the Golden Trio and me went to the library. At least me and Mione have something in common. We both absolutely love books. We were all just chatting and then I decided that I should grab a book to read.

"Hey guys I'm gonna find a book to read. I'll be back in a minute." I said and they replied with an 'ok' to me, in unison.

I walked around a finally found one. I was about to walk back to the others when I saw Malfoy and his 3 so called 'friends', I would rather say minions to them, but never mind. They were peeking around the bookshelf and I heard Malfoy say " I mean come on how can we find out who's that Granger sister, I bet that she's the same know-it-all ", I quietly walked behind the four of them  and then whispered to them "You'll never know when you're not gonna find out who.". They turned around so fast that Zabini almost hit me in the face, but then he realized that it was just me.

"Bloody hell! You scared me Y/N!" Zabini said and put his hand on his heart. I giggled.

Draco's POV 

Ok that giggling was cute...


"Sorry jeez. I didn't know you would get scared this easily. But you made me smile so I'm kinda proud of you." I said giggling again.

"Yay! I'm proud. I know I shouldn't be, sorry Malfoy. But I'm proud." Zabini said. Maybe Slytherins aren't that bad after all...  

"Yep. Sorry Malfoy." I said trying not to laugh and he only smirks. Asshole, but kinda cute tho.

"Huh?'s ok. So Y/N do you wanna sit with us for a little? And try to figure out who's Granger's sister." Malfoy said, I gulped and then nodded with a little smile.

We walked to a table for 5 and sat down.

"So all we know is that she's obviously a Gryffindor, no offence Y/N, but I literally hate anyone in Gryffindor house." Malfoy said and looked at me.

"Y-yeah she probably is." I said.

"I think so too. It would be normal. I mean they're sisters after all." Zabini said. Me and Malfoy nodded, but Crabbe and Goyle were basically fighting over food alone so...

"I hate mudbloods so much! I don't understand why are they even here?! They don't deserve to be in here!" Malfoy said glaring at Hermione who was laughing with Harry and Ron. I got an idea...but I am so sure that it'll end badly for me.

"M-Malfoy I have a question for you, but don't get too angry." I said quietly trying to look at him in the eye, but obviously failed and looked at the table in front of me while hugging my book.

"Of course, ask. I promise I won't get angry." Malfoy said with a calm voice. What the hell is going on?!Did someone use a potion on him? He's never that friendly. This is weird, but good at the same time.

"Ok umm...I haven't got an answer for one question forever from you so...why do you hate muggle-borns so much?" I asked him, but I knew that it was a bad idea, since we all know I'm a muggle-born. Just try not to cry you know.

Zabini's POV

OH NO...Y/N please don't cry now or anything...this is so not gonna end well.


"If you ask so. Well they're literally worthless. They are disgusting. The way they act is unbelievable, eww. I really think that they don't deserve to be in here. I would literally kill all these mudbloods in here. Or I would be a pain to them until they die. I just hate all of them. They are not wizards or witches. They are just disgusting and they think they are better from us, because they know so much about our history. They don't deserve to know about us. I wish I could just find a way to destroy them! I'm not joking. Every time when I see one mudblood I feel like I'm gonna throw up." Malfoy said with a sneer. Ok Y/N don't start to cry...please no...nope I can't hold them back...I gotta go. I quickly stood up and walked away not saying another word.

"Wait! Y/N!" I heard Malfoy yell after me, but I ignored him and walked to the Gryffindor tower.

Zabini's POV

Ok...that was too much. I actually feel bad for her. Why would she ask a question like this from a Malfoy who hates muggle-borns the most?! I knew this isn't gonna end well.

"Wait! Y/N!" Draco yelled after her, but she was gone.

"What happened? Did I say something?" Draco asked looking at the three of us. Me Crabbe and Goyle looked at each other quickly and then back at him.

"No!" We said in unison, Draco looked at us suspiciously, but nodded anyways.

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