Three: Bra Shopping... With Alex

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When Lacey woke up this morning all she could think of was Josh and Jason. She couldn't wait to tell Jessica what happened last night but then she remembered she still had to meet Jason at the mall so they could discuss their 'deal'.

She shot up from her bed, making her way to the bathroom. Turning on the shower and letting it run so it could get warm. She brushed her teeth and washed her face with her favorite soap.

After doing her morning routine and taking a shower she walked over to her closet and grabbed a pair of jeans and a cropped hoodie, something she wore almost all the time, considering she felt more comfortable in it. She tied her curls up into a messy bun, slipped on a pair of Converse and grabbed her phone, making her way out of her room and heading downstairs.

This is the part where you think she smells bacon or pancakes coming from the kitchen? No. Her mother wasn't like that. She was always at work, if it wasn't work then it was her new boyfriend. It's been like this for the last three months and Lacey was kind of getting used of it. She walked into the kitchen where she found a sticky note stuck to the fridge.

Hey hun! Sorry i had to leave early. Had to be in the office by 7. There's money in the cookie jar, buy yourself breakfast. I'll be back at around six.


Lacey sighed as she walked over to the cookie jar, grabbing the hundred dollar bill. It was times like these that she wished she had siblings or even a close cousin who lived nearby. That's why it was so nice to be friends with Josh. He was her brother, best friend and secret crush all in one!

She contemplated on texting him but then she remembered he might ask to hang out so she pushed aside the urge to want to text him and grabbed the keys to her small Honda.

She made her way into the mall, it was a Saturday so obviously she'd bump into people from North High which she wasn't ready for. How was she to explain why she was hanging around Jason?

He wasn't known for sports or good grades like Josh was but he was very known for his disruptive behaviour In classes and his reputation with girls. It was like Jason and Josh had a competition for who can get the most girls. They were both very attractive, and obviously knew the right things to say and do, so they're probably tied by now.

Lacey looked down at her phone, a text from Jason telling her to meet him at Victoria Secret. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she started to make her way to the langiré store.

She spotted him within seconds as he stood by the mannequins which displayed a quit revealing undergarment. He turned around, looking at Lacey's appearance.

She's so inncocent.

Was the thought that rushed into his mind.

"What do you think?"he asked her as he stood a bit back from the mannequin to get a better view. "I don't think it'd suit you"She spoke sarcastically as she pretended to look real deeply at the piece of langiré. He scoffed. "Not for me princess"the little hairs at the back of her neck stood up at the nickname he had suddenly gave her. "Then for who?"She asked, ignoring his little nickname. "You"he smiled cheekily.

"Jason if I wanted to go langiré shopping I would've came with my mom or Jessica"Lacey said in annoyance. "Well sometimes you need a mans point of view"Jason shrugged. "Do you want me to leave?"She asked threateningly. He sighed walking up to her. "Okay, if you want any male attention whatsoever, we've got to get you the right sized bra"he started.

Lacey scoffed too. "What do you know about bras, Jason?".

"Seen allot of em"he winked as he made his way to a rack and started skimming through them. He pulled a turquoise coloured lace bra and held it up. "I think this one would suit you"he eyed the bra skeptically. "I hate lace"she said simply. Jason sighed melodramtically. He looked through the bras till he found one that he was certain Lacey would like.

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