chapter thirty one

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DT/ Jenzie4life8

"Wait Kenzie! Please Kenzie!"

I heard him call out my name. I try not to turned back to face him. I made my way into the house, ignoring Maddie and Lauren's curious stares and the aching feeling in my chest. The tears continued to stream down my face and my heart was tearing apart slowly to pieces as his husky voice reached nearer.

"Kenzie. Please Kenzie, just listen to me!"

I stopped midway on the stairs and turned around and see he had tears on his face. It made me want to go to him and give him a hug and freely sob in his chest once again. But this time, it was him who caused me to be like this. He caused the pain.

"Fine, I will listen to you," I said, nonchalantly and he just stood down there, begging for mercy like he cared.

"You will?" He asked in disbelief.

I nodded, "Yeah of course." Then I pointed to him. "I will listen while you answer three questions."

He this time nodded.

"Did you and that girl had sex?" I asked and the response I get was a nod. I brought my clenched fists close to my chest and tried my best not to scream. "And did you ever thought of me when you did it?" I asked and this time he looked down,

"No." He muttered loud enough for me to hear it.

No, look at me and let me see how much you're suffering. You deserved it as much as I do.

"And do you seriously think I could ever forgive you?" I asked the final question.

"Please, pooh bear." He begged, as his soft voice came out of him that I tried my hardest not to break down in front of him.

"One, do not ever call me by that name. Two, go!" I said before turning around to continue my way upstairs but he stopped me again with his voice.

"Kenzie. Please just listen to me." His voice cracked.

"That's enough listening. Go!" I barked.

I stomped my way upstairs and this time, I didn't turn back. Barging into Maddie's room, I locked the door and leaned against it and slowly slide down to the floor. My knees brought up to my chest and I let it all out. I let the pain out.

Then something sharp got stuck in my throat. I hit my chest repeatedly and started to cough. I felt Maddie and Lauren go to my side and the next thing I know I was on my knees like a dog and continuously coughed.

I look down at Maddie's white furry rug and see red spots on it. I coughed and coughed until I realized the red spots are coming from me. I'm coughing out blood.

"Oh my god Kenzie!" Maddie exclaimed who was patting on my back. "You have tuberculosis!" My world is beginning to be dizzy just like what happened in school.

Waking up in a hospital bed was the last thing I would ever do before dying. I felt like I was dying already. The heart monitor beeped at the side of my bed as the dancing lines go up and down.

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