Why us? (Chapter 2)

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Georgia stood at the door as she watched her Uncle and Father talk about the plans if we were under attack. "You do know that Alaska and parts of your brother will be taken over if you're in true trouble with Ivan." The Frenchman said, gesturing to a map. She gasped quietly to herself and backed out of the room, dashing to her room. She closed the blinds quickly and sat on her bed. "Oh gosh.. why us?! Why are we always the target for domination??" She questioned herself, putting her hands to her heart. Georgia wanted to cry but no sound or tears came out, just the jerking you get when you cry. It was a painful cry to her, almost a familiar cry. A click was heard and Arthur walked into the dark room, sitting next to the small state. "I know you heard what he said, Love. That's just how war happens and you know it and have been effected by it." He said, pointing to a visible burn scar that lead to her heart. She sighed and wiped her eyes, looking over at her mother figure. "Arthur.. I'm just.. I want to cry and make it better but I'm afraid that this will be the end of the US for sure.." she said emotionless. She wondered to herself what would happen to her and the southern siblings, and that's when she got an idea. "Oh! I can blow up my CDC, with no one in or around it, and send the diseases to our enemies and-" "Georgia that'll kill everyone!" He exclaimed, putting his hands on her shoulders. Georgia shook her head and sighed. "I guess you're right.. but thank you for listening to me.."

Later on in the night, Alfred had Georgia spend the night with her uncle while him and Arthur would "talk" out the best strategy. She really knew they were going to patch up their relationship but shook it off and went with her uncle, glad that they could spend time together. Francis was making some food in the kitchen, Georgia reading some of his romance novels as she waited. "Hey Uncle? How come all of your romance novels end in.. Erm.. love making?" She asked, the Frenchman now walking out. He grinned happily and took the book. "Because this is an American book called '50 shades of gris', Dorothy." He said plainly, putting it off to the side. She blushed deeply, remembering some parts of the book. "Oh holy shit what is wrong with people??" She said, moving away from the book. Her uncle chuckled and went back to cooking, soon finishing and bringing it out to the living room. "I hope you make yourself at home, mon cheré! Your dad and the black sheep of Europe are wanting you to stay here for a few days which means we can go and have fun together!~" He said happily, sitting next to her. The American girl smiled and nodded, taking a buttered croissant into her mouth. "Of course! I'm always up for spending time with my favorite uncle next to Antonio and Gilbert." She replied, meaning the uncles from Spain and Prussia. The BTT were all her close 'uncles' who have really been there for protection and conversation with her and her siblings. Specifically Francis and Antonio after the revolution.  Francis cleared his throat and turned to the young girl, a look of determination coming onto his face. "Okay, I've got an idea! How about me, you, and Toni and Gilbert all go out tomorrow and just enjoy no stress?" He suggested, the girl quickly nodding. "Ouì uncle! I'd love that!" She beamed at him happily. The French man smiled happily and placed a kiss gently on her forehead. "Bien! I have a cute little outfit for you to wear and wow the people of France!" He said, clasping his hands happily.

Later on that night in the states, Alfred was sitting silently next to Arthur and wanted to say something but stopped himself. They both sighed quietly and said, "Let's it give another try!" At the same time. Their eyes widened and Arthur looked away quickly. "A-Are you sure you want to go through with this again, Alfred..?" He asked the American. Alfred nodded quickly and made his British lover look towards him. "Of course I want to! We've raised 13 kids together and fought side by side for years! I'm not gonna let that go to waste." He said, a determined look on his face. The other male chuckled silently and pecked his cheek gently. "Then it's settled, we're together again. No more breaking up." The Brit said, leaning up to kiss him gently and Alfred almost immediately kissed back. The two might have been enemies for a while but their love was still blooming brightly through everything. Even if Francis and Arthur used to have something going on, the Frenchman was determined that the two would end up together. In fact, he wanted it for his nieces and nephews.

A/N: Yooooo I'm not dead I'm just busy and trying to come up with a better plot for this- So I'm gonna need help from the BTT in order to make this more interesting.. well bye bye! See you in the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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