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I shook back and forth as this unknown vehicle experienced turbulence. I had no idea were I was as I could not, for some reason open my eyes.

[Prisoner 3762810 codename: 10 ,vextax galaxy, species: hetro-sapien.]

"Huh? Hetro wha?"

It felt as if I was hit by a bus. Opening my eyes I was welcomed by an unpleasant jolt of electricity.


My limbs locked up, my eyes fuzzed out, and I could not do anything, but scream.

After what felt like an hour of intense frying of my brain, it stopped and I came to. Still groggy I tried to check myself for any open wounds or scars, that my "friendly" kidnappers might have left. Then I noticed " my legs... their..."massive black claws grappled around me. I was being restrained, but for what? I was already lucky to survive electrocution. Looking up I found myself in an odd room.

A number of wires and pipes ran along the floor and walls. Standing and looking at other things were what looked like people, but out of a science fiction movie. They wore full high tech suits that gave you that space feel, but with blacked out visers.One who was looking at a panel in front of me noticed that I was awake. Signaling another one, they made their approach to me, my gut twisted and I gave them my most intimidating look.

[Gargaru nok sho tue flak wee dan shinju]

[Hen tof rek]

They then broke off and circled around me. "Hey! What the hell's going on here! Hey, I'm talkin to you!"

They paid no attention to my words, but kept looking at me... or at least kept their helmets facing my direction. The one to the left slowly came closer, and touched my arm. The other caressed my head then slowly worked his hand behind my head.

" hey now, what are you guys doing" I yelled with sweat dripping down my head.

[Dei roo bak teel]


(Boom) I felt as some large object got ripped out from behind my head. The first one pressed a botton, and the claws opened. My body convulged, I turned to the left to throw up all over the floor.

[Connective link successful... prisoner 10 is apart of god rock online system... standby for new system update... loading...]

I fell to the floor, and tried to crawl to a wall to stand up. After struggling in my own vomit, and going no where slowly, one came to my side and held my arm as to help me up.

"Who are you people..." after a few seconds of a blank stare, the helmet glowed a brief gold before folding intricately, revealing a pink skinned black eyed female... or alien.

"The hell" my body felt numb, but I refused to give in to them. "Aaaahhhhh!" I screamed aloud, causing her to fall over backwards. The second one came round to help her. I forced my self to my feet, only on pure will. And all my bottled up feelings....

Feelings of Sage, if I would even be able to see her again, how she felt about me, how worried she was about me "


The supposedly male one got up and lunged at me. Grabbing my school uniform we wrestled around a bit. He then reached to a leg holster, and pulled out a weird syringe like device. Trying to grab his arm I got stabbed through my hand.

Needle protruding, and blood oozing, I felt myself getting a little light headed. He pushed on.

Forcing it deeper into my wound and twisting it for more effect. The dark green liquid inside the cylinder, slowly poured out onto the back of my hand.

"Ahhh!! I'll kill you!!!" in a blind rage I back handed him in the neck with the injured hand. A sudden snap and releasing sound, then he fell to the ground.

"Baka...tch" I wrapped my tie around my left arm and bit down. Using my left hand I grabbed hold of the syringe.

"Flip it!!!"

"Fool" a calm voice came from above.


Darkness. I was out....

Once I awoke I felt as the cold metal floor slid under my head. I was being dragged by my pants. Noticing my pants and underwear were holding on by my feet, and that I was surrounded by many techno suited, helmet wearing people. The thought that anyone of them could be female caused my cheeks to flair up. So much so that if I were face down I would be melting holes in the metal floor.

"Wow! Hey! My pants!" I tried to sit up and reach for my pants, which was in the clutches of a pale human like hand. My assailant wore a blue suit, this complimented her red hair nicely.... or at least. ..I think it was a girl.

"Welcome scum. To the rest of your life" her cold voice rung in my ears.
"Wait, wah?" no time for words, as with great force I was flung over her shoulder and into a weird purple goo.

"Burbl hugh gekt*( what the heck) I desperately outed my confusion into its great mass of purple, and cheesy smelling goo. I was plopped out the other end after a great deal of struggle, and lack of air.

"I'm gonna be sick-" I instantly hurled my chunks back at it for throwing me back and forth. After my cleansing, I stood up to see that it was a weird gel like coat on the port-hole to were I was.

"Well you guys can just die too" I grinned at the port-hole feeling my victory, thinking I had gotten away from a weird alien abduction.

I felt a gush of air run past my neck. I turned around, only to be met with the site of a huge, sweaty, red skinned, tengu like alien in front of me. He huffed down massive winds of air.

"Uhmm, can I help you*gulp*sir" saying it in the nicenest way I knew, while trying to back away slowly.

"Maybe we can talk this over with some coffee?" sweating profusely, he leant in as I leant backwards. I held my breathe as he opened his mouth.

"No harassment in GOD ROCK" came that same voice and the sound of a whizzing bullet. She came forth from the oozing goo.

"I hate rule breakers"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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