chapter 2

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(Zero pov)

I started off nice Lee I meet two people name Thunder and Arrow and I'm meeting them at lunch and they already know each other

Zero: hey guys how was class

Thunder: yeah good man but I have to take a test on Friday

Arrow: good same thing that I'm having besides we have the same class together and I see the cheerleaders that means they must have gotten done with practice

Zero: wait who are you talking about

Thunder: well we have friends that are cheerleaders and we calm me down during lunch and they'll will get to meet you

???: Hey boys how was your day and is this the new student

Arrow: yeb this is zero and are new best friend, oh yeah zero this is Mari
Ashley, Tara, snowy and flare

Mari/Ashley/Tara/snowy/flare: hi it's great to meet you

Zero: (blushing) (in thoughts)
Wow she's beautiful I never met a girl like her and I like the name Flare

Thunder: zero are you okay it feels like you're stirring at outer space

Zero: (blushing) I fine I fine I was uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh

And the bell ring

Arrow: we'll see you guys later

Zero: wait do any of you know where
Room 604 is

Flare: (smiles) well actually I have that class You can follow me if you

Zero: thanks bye guys see you later

During class after they got done with work they talked like what things do you like to do and other stuff and it was the end of the day of school

Zero: well my mom should be here soon (notice flare waiting )
A flare are you waiting on someone

Flare: well actually my dad called me and told me that he's going to take long time to get here so I may have to wait

Zero: I now why don't you come with me so my mom can take you home
See I will call her right now

A few seconds later  his Mom called and ,and told her about flare and she said yes and after a few minutes zero's Mom got here and picked  them up and 30 minutes later they got to flare's house

Flare: thanks for the ride zero's Mom

Lucy: don't worry about it you can call me Lucy

Flare: and also you zero thanks for taking me home

Zero: your welcome flare I'm glad that I could help out a friend

And a shocking moment just happened flare kisses zero's cheek
And made both of them blush and she went in her house and zero went off
To go home

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2018 ⏰

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