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He sat right behind me
After a good minute he talks

"Hey I'm Kim taehyung nice to meet you " Holding up his hand to shake with mine

"Y/N, Y/L/N" Quickly shaking his hand with mine

"Soo do you want to be friends"

I nodded with excitement
He smiled and made my heart flutter

After classes LUNCH
I only had Chuu has a friend but we never hangout

i didn't really have other friends I was always a loner never liked the people that were in this school
So I went to my table and eat my salad, and yes I was always healthy
But then taehyung came and sat next to me smiling at me,

"Hey so I wanted to tell you that
We are going to a party at 8pm"
I looked at him with shocked facial expression

"Why and who asked you too"

"First of all I wanted you to come with me and have fun with me " He said while smiling

"Wah am I you're only friend cause if I am then I wanted to tell you that you're mine too and I never really had a real friend"

He showed me his boxed smile and had a red tint on his cheeks I was actually concerned if he was  sick

" you okay are you sick bc you have a little red on you're face"

I looked at him with a concerned look

His face grew redder like a tomato

"Hey I think we should go to the nurse you really are red"

"No thank you I'm fine "

His face growing redder by the second

He ran away

I need you Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now