New Student

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You woke up from the sound of you're alarm awakening you from you're deep sleep, you went to  you're bathroom and did you're daily routine.

You went to you're kitchen and grabbed a apple and left for college

You reach you're local college and met you're  friend Chuu

Hey how's it been

Well boring is it weird that I missed school. You looked at her with a concerned look

No I missed it too and I'm doing fine to thanks for asking

Alright then let's head to class

We went back too class and got seated the teacher announced a new student and bolted upwards you're always liked new students that's how u meet chuu

"Hi my name is Kim Taehyung nice to meet you guys"

Kim Taehyung what a cool name

Hi I'm sorry if I'm not working on the j hope fan fiction I just needed some time to actually come up with scenes but anyways I'm back better then ever with a new fan fiction

I need you Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now