Chapter 16: The Fateful Encounter and My Reward

Depuis le début

"Thank you Rock. It really means a lot." I reply putting my hand on his, squeezing it softly. We headed out to the cafeteria, once we got there we got our breakfasts and sat down at our usual table.

"Aki-chan! I heard that you're getting your reward today! Are you excited! What did you ask for again?" Nico exclaimed excitedly.

"Oh really! I didn't know it was coming in today! I asked for a hot spring~" I said, thinking of how amazing it was gonna be.

"Oh! And I invited everyone else so they can relax too!"

"Is the hot spring gonna be like in the animes!!!" Nico as you can see was very excited for my reward.

"Yes, its going to be like the animes." I reply, patting his head as he cheered happily.

"But usually you go into a hot spring at the end of the day. Soooo I decided were gonna train all day then enjoy the hot spring and relax our muscles!" I exclaim making everyone groan. But at the word train Yamato burst through the door laughing.

----leee time skip again----

Uno, Rock, Jyugo, Nico, Liang, Upa, Samon, Yamato, Hajime, and I were walking back from building 5, we had just finished training. Finally, it was time for me to officially use my reward, hopefully everyone else I invited shows up.

We walked into a newly created section in building 13 that was a wooden building. On the inside there was two entrances, one for guys and the other for girls. In between the two entrances stood a free vending machine, filled with different snacks, popsicles (thankfully), and drinks. Benches were scattered around the room, another entrance was on the left side of us, inside was a large ping-pong table with benches beside it.

My mouth hung open slightly at the beauty of the small wooden room. My other friends also held surprised expressions. I looked to Hajime, who was smirking while looking around the room.

"Hajime, did you tell the others that my reward was ready and that they were invited?" I asked him, hopeful that he remembered. Looking to me he nodded.

"They should be here any minute now." I smiled at him, thanking him as we all waited for the others to arrive. Soon, Kiji, Honey, Trois, Kenshi, and Musashi walked into the room with surprised expressions. (except Musashi and Kenshi cause he can't see and he is basically emotionless). Then after thy arrived Momo walked into the room, all the guards greeted her in a serious manner.

"All right everyone! Let's get this party started! All the boys go into that door while me and Momo will go in this one! Have fun! After were done we'll all meet in the ping-pong room okay!" I say pulling Momo into our hot spring entrance, waving at the boys goodbye. Once we got into the room we stripped and put towels around our bodies, washing ourselves before jumping into the hot spring. It was hot and relaxing, the water smelt like lavender and lemons, seeping into our skins.

"How have you been Akira?" Momo asked, as we sat across from each other.

"I've been good. Although, I've been feeling that weird pain in my heart more recently." I reply ignoring my thoughts of last night.

"Oh really~ I told you already that your in love. Are you feeling it with the same people?" I sigh looking over to the barrier that separates the boys from us, hearing them laugh and yell at each other.

"Yes its still with Liang and Uno. I'm starting to believe I actually do love them but.... It's wrong to love two people right? I'll have to pick one of them when time comes and I don't know if I can." Playing with a loose hair that escaped my high ponytail.

"I have noticed that Uno and Liang keep a close eye on you. I have a feeling either one of them or both of them will confess their feelings to you. And then you will have to choose one, but for now you can love them both."

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