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Director: Two minutes to show time people. Let's get this show on the road.

Background noise: She'll be ready in a few seconds. We need everyone in place asap. Cameras are ready to roll.

Interviewer: We're all set and ready to go.

Director: Dim the lights. Five, four,three,two one. Cameras rolling.

Interviewer: How are you feeling? You nervous?

Skyla: Heck yeah I'm nervous.

Interviewer: Why are you nervous?

Skyla: I've never actually had to do this before. Never had to let someone in my life like this. I'm just nervous knowing that after today a lot of people are gonna know what I really struggle with,knowing that they're judging.

Interviewer: People will always judge,no matter what you do.

Skyla: (Nods in agreement)

Interviewer: So onto the real reason we're having this interview. How about you introduce yourself to the audience,let us be a little more comfortable with your character.

Skyla: Well,my name is Skyla,I'm twenty four years old working in one of America's top law firms. I've learned to overcome my fear of letting people in and I'm really proud of myself for the fact that I have overcome my addiction.

[AN: The information given above is purely made up from the top of my head. So as not to offend anyone I have decided to not mention her private details.]

Interviewer: Well Skyla, I'm sure that there are other persons who will be proud of you too once they know the full story of how you've battled your addiction.

Skyla: Thank you.

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