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pansy (fuckin snake)🐍:
why tf are you ignoring me ?

pansy (fuckin snake)🐍:
I told you it was him.

maybe because I can't trust you anymore.

pansy ( fuckin snake)🐍:
and why is that draco ?
you would literally die for this boy and when I finally do something that a real friend would do you wanna chicken out ?

pansy (fuckin snake)🐍:
get your balls out of a twist you prat and fuckin see that this boy actually likes you.
merlin didn't give you big ass eyes for nothing.
OPEN THEM. you've wanted this boy since you met him, do us all a favor and just be with him.

maybe I don't want to believe that he actually likes me.

pansy ( fuckin snake)🐍:
well you better fuckin believe it ya twat cause
I didn't make vertiserum for nothing.

pansy fuckin parkison, you didn't do what I think you did.

draco changed name to
"bad bitch pansy👀🙅🏻‍♀️❤️"

bad bitch pansy 👀🙅🏻‍♀️❤️:
it depends on what you're thinking ;)

omg I love you and I'll never doubt you again 😢❤️✊🏻

bad bitch pansy👀🙅🏻‍♀️❤️:
you better not whore 😒

trust I won't, I love you bitch and I'll give him a chance. 💀❤️

bad bitch pansy👀🙅🏻‍♀️❤️:
I love you too bitch 😘❤️
read @10:30pm

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